[color=00aeef]"Flatmates then,"[/color] Mashuka said, climbing onto the top bunk by the door. [color=00aeef]"Lucky me, bet I'll learn plenty living around upperclassmen."[/color] Leon tilted his head at the other boy. [color=f26522]"Don't be [i]too[/i] sure about that, amico mio,"[/color] Leo grinned. [color=f26522]"I'm not too sure I've learned anything I didn't already know at least a little bit about, academic wise. But school wise? [i]Oh boy." [/i][/color]The italian chuckled. [color=f26522]"You'll learn [i]so much."[/i][/color] Maybe he [i]was[/i] scaring the other one on purpose just a little bit, but hey-he'd never gotten to do it before now, so why not? [color=9e0b0f][center][b]"Attention all students of Riddle Academy. There will be an early lunch today. Lunch begins promptly in thirty minutes, regardless of what you are doing. That is all.”[/b][/center][/color] Leon hummed speculatively. [color=f26522]"Wonder what they've cooked up today,"[/color] he commented, sliding out of bed head-first, only to twist in the air like a cat and land on his feet, with one arm spread for balance. His ankle still throbbed a bit from earlier. [color=f26522]"Come on, ragazzi," [/color]he said, rising from his crouching position. [color=f26522]"Let's go eat, sì? I'm hungry. Peccato che non servono Alfredo di pollo più spesso."[/color] He mumbled the last part to himself as he padded out of the room, heading for the cafeteria. [hider=Translation] -My friend. -Yes -Boys. -Too bad they don't serve chicken alfredo more often. [/hider]