Jun headed out after Leon, but kept his pace slow so that the middle eastern boy could catch up to them as they walked to the cafeteria. He was busy being... well, sparkly. That girl despite being a jerk before really was kinda cute. Then again, there were probably lots of cute girls here. He too had noticed the pattern of apathy among the students and he was glad he wasn't among them. He liked being happy, or at least wearing the facade that he was. As the trio headed out, Jun looked to the first year boy, speaking in his thick Korean accent. [color=gold]"Come to think, how is it you are here at this school? Clearly you have interest in assassination, but you're awfully young and seem not from here like myself and he."[/color] He paused to gesture to Leon. [color=gold]"What brought your interest to killing other people for profit?"[/color]