Mashuka heard the announcement for lunch and promptly hopped back down off of his bunk. There were be time to relax later, but somewhere deep down he figured the academy would offer better food than the scraps or gruel he was used to. He had a mental list of things he wanted to try, and his time in England had afforded him the opportunity to check off a couple, but a decent, hot meal would be a welcomed first. As the three of them headed out into the hall, he found a smile creeping onto his face. Sure, things had been hectic so far, sure there might have been a bomb threat and one of the hall monitors might have tried to lobotomize him with a training sword. All things considered though, he was alive, among relatively nice -if at the very least peaceful- people, and about to have his first lunch at the place that, hopefully, he'd be building the foundations of an actual life. Then Jun spoke up, and Mashuka turned his attention back to the present. Instinctively he wanted to shirk off the question as quickly as possible, there was little about himself that he wanted to bring up, but all the same it would have been rude to be curt, and thus far Jun had been nothing but hospitable to him, so he figured a little loosening of the screws couldn't hurt. [color=00aeef]"Oh, well I guess you could say it's a bit of luck, really, maybe fate if you believe in that sorta thing,"[/color] he said, rubbing the back of his neck. [color=00aeef]"To be honest I don't really know if I want to kill anyone yet. That's probably just my humanity talking, and given some of the other people I've seen so far, I'm sure a few years here will strip me of that. I have the skills required for this type of work, I guess I just need that refinement, y'know? Albeit a lot of it."[/color]