Percy registered the names of the pair of them and cocked an eyebrow when he mentioned that his name started with a W and not a D, he wasn't in on the joke after all. He waited a moment as the Professor told them they could choose their pokemon from Eevee eggs or from the other pokemon that were there. He couldn't help but grin even wider as the others moved in and chose their pokemon. This was it, his pokemon, this would be his friend. He took a few tentative steps forward before almost sprinting to the box and looking in. He picked up the first pokeball and looked at it: [color=00aeef]"Pichu, no that's not me"[/color] he murmured to himself, looking around he saw the others already greeting their pokemon and was happy for them, there were more pokemon to choose from, but as he rifled through the box he grew a little more despondent, he found a Pidgey but he wasn't sure if he wanted that as his companion, his first friend. Then he saw the pokeball, in the corner, a small flying-type symbol was on it, a Fletchling. [color=00aeef]"There you are. You're perfect."[/color] Percy lifted the pokeball from the box and held it up to his face. [color=00aeef]"I choose you, Fletchling![/color] he shouted, releasing it onto a nearby counter. He then placed the pokeball onto his belt and held out his hand. The Fletchling flew on to his head and settled down. "Fletchling, fletchling fletch!" It chirped as it began messing up Percy's hair. He couldn't help but laugh as he said [color=00aeef]"Well I guess that settles it. I'll call you Fletchling."[/color] Then he looked at Professor Maple and said [color=00aeef]"Thank you Professor, from both of us."[/color] and he meant it, he wouldn't let his pokemon go, they were partners.