Lia watched as the three chose their Pokémon. She smiled, remembering what it was like when she had first started her journey 7 years back. She could still remember how Fennekin's pokeball felt that day. She shook her head to see that all of them had chosen a pokemon. She looked at Percy who had chosen a Fletchling and said, "You know, I have a Talonflame who I raised from a Fletchling." She then walked over to them and handed them each a Pokedex. [color=brown]"This is a Pokedex, I would explain what it does but I'm sure you all know. Here, take these too."[/color] She pulled out 3 Holocasters from her desk and handed one to each of them. [color=brown]"So we can stay in touch."[/color] She then walked back to her desk and started digging through the compartment labeled [b]"Devon's Shit"[/b]. [color=brown]"And..."[/color] she pulled out a pokedex from the compartment's messy inside, but this one said [b]"Seen - 12"[/b] on the front where the others had said [b]"Seen - 0"[/b], [color=brown]"Could one of you catch up to Devon and give him his pokedex? He should be in Needlesap Town by now."[/color] She held out the used Pokedex to them, hoping someone would be kind enough to take it.