Hokuto blinked her eyes, she had completely forgotten that people had given her food - which meant she could eat and not be hungry. "Heh, I... totally forgot about that." The brown haired girl scratched the back of her head and giggled before taking out the bento and downing the contents like she hadn't seen any food in a good while. "Mmm, green pea casserole! My favourite! Seika's mom can cook so well." She wiped her mouth to her sleeve and smirked while turning her attention to Seika. "Don't gimme that smile, you!" She pointed at Seika in a rather over dramatized manner while getting on her feet. "I'm not goin' to go all out on ya - heck, we'd be able to fit your remains a bento box, and I don't like funerals." Hokuto made a little goofy pose again and stretched her arms. "Now don't go thinkin' I go easy on ya just because I like ya." She stated with a smile and winked at Seika.