Yeah I want to give Noah some redeeming qualities ... I mean Loki is my alltime favourite villain, and as far as villains go, hes incredibly likeable even when hes a little shit. I think making Noah insecure, since he had a shitty childhood, will help make him less of a cliche "bad-to-the-bone" character. That doesn't mean I'm going to make him act like a sweety, god no, he will be utterly deplorable!!! I think Valko being converted to the bad-side like Noah will make it easier, Valko will be "evil" by his own means, it wont be just Noah telling Valko "Go stab this guy, go get these drugs etc etc" Valko will act on his own volition, but of course it was Noah who set him off down this dark path and it is Noah he'll always come back to even if Valko is acting entirely autonomously! As for the Doctor, I can see him being emotionally manipulated by Noah, but not knowing it and thinking Noah is genuinely a good guy that is misunderstoof. Noah will see that Loire is vulnerable, and basically an easy target, and will take advantage in every way he knows how. By the time Viva manages to make her escape with Loire, I hope he will have changed profoundly and have become more guarded and cautious, maybe even a little cold and darker, but of course not irredeemable. I really cant wait to see Valko in action though, part of me thinks he's really just a victim in all of this, but he could be utterly bad once we go to IC!!! I can't wait to find out who can be saved and who is a lost cause!