Morrian stayed by the fire, passing a glance at the exasperated man who had been unconscious but moments ago. That same look of confusion and panic he had seen before. "I'm the least of your worries." Orange-tinted eyes returned to the hearth. "The weather outside is more dangerous than I am." He let out a sigh. The most hostile conditions to bear were waiting outside and he had naught more than a loincloth. The conversation up until this point was alien. Whatever kind of science or magic took him here was beyond his understanding yet now he knew this was not the will of some iconic god. It was a very real thing. "If we're here now and you speak the truth then our enemies who are bold or knowledgeable enough may follow and regardless of what world we're in, as long as we're with this Chroniker, elements of our own will arrive." Morrian nodded in understanding. "A double-edged sword..." He mused. The cat-child lay still. [i]Finally![/i] "If the stone doesn't work here with the Chroniker, does that mean we can retrieve it?" Morrian looks around at the other capable souls. Then he decides. "Yeah. I'm staying here. I'd help you out but this weather is killing me." He yawns and sprawls out next to the fire. "Literally.." The crocodile murmurs under his breath.