Before the fight could get seriously underway, a Corridor or Darkness opened up. Good news: It was nearby. Bad news: It opened up near Henry, Mach, and Tocsax. The people who came out though, didn't come walking out. Instead they came tumbling out and rolled along the ground for a few feet before coming to a stop. One of the people was a boy wearing mostly black and the second was a girl wearing white and pale blue. After a few seconds the boy managed to sit up and gently set the girl to the side. "[[color=ed1c24]Princess Amaya, are you okay[/color]?]" he asked in a foreign language (Japanese, obviously) before getting up and looking around. He immediately got to his feet and got on guard. They definitely were not in Japan anymore and to top it all off, they got involved in a fight. With a giant heartless."[[color=ed1c24]Great, as if this couldn't get any worse. Amaya, stick close to me. Best we feel out this situation. But be prepared to defend yourself[/color].]" He glanced over at the giant heartless and saw that it was ignoring two people standing nearby while several others seemed to be engaging it in battle. He wasn't sure if this was some messed up training here or if there were two opposing forces. Best to see how things played out he guessed.