[quote=@Andromedai] [@mattmanganon] As my friend Code says "Everyone wants their character to be a bad ass but you won't do that by superman over-power breaking them. Be humble and your character will face challenges, that when survived, will show the character better than the word 'bad ass' ever could. Stick with the normal characters that do not fit outside of what is currently happening inside of the RP." So let's work on another character that fits the scene a bit better, ok? As a side note, I am currently reworking my most recent post (As I said above) so please be ready for that when it is up. (I will post something here when I have completed the edit.) [/quote] Well, I was inspired by all of the "Inquisitorial Retinues" in the Visions magazines. I mean, every squad always has the Big, Dumb, Brute in there. He's kinda a staple of the Inquisitors retinue. Like the token Assassin and the "I really hate working for the Inquisition, but I can't exactly quit" no nonsense, Veteran. I suppose I could fall back on an old classic of mine. Essentially an old, portly, perverted priest, that spends as much time "Blessing young maidens" as he does preaching faith to the Emperor and beating any sorry son-of-a-bitch along the way.