[center][h1][color=#2dbdfc][b][u]Lucifer Palaiologos[/u][/b][/color][/h1][/center] [color=#a2a8ff]"To say I'm not that attractive, I'm kinda hurt"[/color] Lucifer knew it was a trick. He knew she was just trying to tease him. But somehow, with that damn pout and the vague quiver in her voice, she managed to make [i]him[/i] feel guilty for saying what he said. His face fell slightly and he lost some of the embarrassed fury he had been overcome with, with regular embarrassment taking it's place. Even as she smiled, knowing she had him in a weak spot, he still felt bad. [color=#a2a8ff]"Though you say that it didn't work, and you're not going to be embarrassed, aren't you red?"[/color] The Russian leaned in, as if about to steal a kiss. Lucifer wanted to back away, but he stood frozen to the spot. Damn this Russian! Damn her, and damn the American and damn this wretched school for putting the three of them together! [color=#a2a8ff]"Right here~"[/color] Alexandra gently caressed his cheek mockingly. Lucifer flinched. He hated to admit it, but she was right. He could feel the heat of a thousand suns burning their way through his pale skin. He was surprised that the girl could stand to be this close, much less how she was able to touch his cheeks without sustaining a third-degree burn. Alexandra turned on her heels to go get Katie, so she probably couldn't hear his sigh of relief. He was going to die if he had to stay in the same room as those two for the rest of the year. Not a nice quick death, either - a slow, painful one, probably caused by blood loss as only three parts of his anatomy would receive any degree of blood flow, two of them being his cheeks. No prizes for guessing the third. [color=#2dbdfc]"This... this is exactly why boys and girls shouldn't share a room."[/color] he muttered unhappily. He would spend one night in this room. Tomorrow, he was going to talk to the management and see about getting a dorm more suited to one of his disposition. [color=#2dbdfc]"Hey, Katie, I hate to bring this up but what are you going to wear in the meantime? You can't really sleep in your uniform, can you?"[/color] he half-hoped Alexandra would offer to share some of her clothes with Katie should the need arise. It was unlikely, but the alternative was either sleeping in her current gear (eww) or sleeping in her underwear (Out of the question). However, there was a significant difference in the two girls' frames and it was unlikely Alexandra's clothes would actually fit Katie. When they had all picked their beds (Crestfallen, Lucifer realised he was in the middle bed. He didn't even have a nice wall to turn to without one of the girls getting in the way.) they went to make their way out. But Alexandra - of course - decided to play with Luci a little more. [color=#a2a8ff]"Of course, if you would like a peek, I could always leave the door opened a crack~"[/color] She whispered sultrily, before sashaying past him. The humiliated fury that had faded before came bubbling to the surface and he just couldn't stop himself. [color=#2dbdfc]"O-oh yeah? What makes you think I'd [i]want[/i] to look at you in the shower, or on the toilet? J-just because you look pretty, it doesn't mean I'd want to... [i]do things[/i] to you! A-and anyway, you're just saying that! I bet you wouldn't even think about it! I [i]dare[/i] you to do something like that! You wouldn't, I just know it!"[/color] [color=#2dbdfc]"Why are you saying such embarrassing things, Alexandra? I don't like being teased..."[/color] He decided to look over the "Doctor's appointment" comment of Katie's for now. Clearly his gender was too much for her to handle right now and he didn't want to worry her, especially if he was getting a new room tomorrow. No need to make the poor girl panic