Adelisa looked over at Daemon and smiled softly. Then her attention went back to the irritated guy and she nodded her head. Daemon looked over at the girl who walked in and he looked around saying "het, what happened to… nevermind." Adelisa sighed and shook her head. She didn't need to start a fight. Not on the first day atleast. Daemon noticed the tension in the room and said loudly "hey! I'm Daemon! Nice to meet ya. The angry redhead is my sister, Adelisa. Don't mind her, she just has a bad temper." Adelisa kept her eyes on Varshe as Daemon spoke. She felt a bit awkward, especially since there were so many people around her. Thank goodness her brother loved attention. She looked down at her hands and shoved them in her pockets before looking up at Varshe. She said "Sorry. I just don't like people yelling at people." Daemon looked at Adelisa before saying "well! Why don't we get to eating?"