[hider=Inaya Samara] [i]“The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.”[/i] ― Maya Angelou [h1]The Character[/h1] [b]Name:[/b] Inaya Samara [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] Inaya stands quite tall for her age at five feet eleven inches, or about 1.8 meters. She is dark skinned, with straight raven black hair reaching her shoulder blades, that she keeps done up in a bun most of the time. Her eyes are small and dark brown, and pinch when she smiles, which is often. She is rather heavy set, her body toned and strong from years working in a field with her family. Her legs are long and thick, and her arms are similarly muscular. A few scars and marks dot her body, disclosing her gruelling dedication to her work. She often wears plain clothes, primarily practical clothing fit for a hard day's work. [b]Personality:[/b] Inaya Samara is a simple girl. She enjoys working with her hands, and prefers working outdoors than indoors. She is optimistic about most everything, and she loves making new friends. She is fiercely loyal to those she trusts, and her father instilled in her the drive to protect anyone who cannot protect themselves at an early age. She always laughs heartily, trying to always stay light hearted, and taking everything in stride. Often she doesn't catch every social queue that flies her way, so she tries to compensate by being blunt and brash. Her loyalty to others can sometimes come across as naive, as she can't always tell who she should and shouldn't put her trust in. On top of this, her altruistic tendencies have gotten her into trouble more than once, sometimes biting off more than she can chew in the defence of others. Despite this, Inaya has remained positive about her experiences, and looks forward to new experiences with an open mind. [b]Capabilities:[/b] Inaya is very strong. Her childhood and adolescence of manual labour has strengthened her to the point where she could take on most grown men in hand to hand combat. This means her strikes are powerful, and her guards are iron-clad. However, her offensive power is underdeveloped, as she prefers instead to guard the majority of her opponents attacks, aiming to outlast them in endurance. After her opponent has tired themselves out, she goes in for the kill. She is also very focused on drawing attacks away from her allies and tanking them herself, allowing them to stay in top form while she soaks up damage. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Inaya's offensive capabilities are unrefined, which results in slow, inefficient strikes that are powerful, but ultimately drain more strength than the damage they inflict. On top of this, Inaya is not very manoeuvrable, and is better at standing as a wall against her foes than chasing them down. Her tactic for damage absorption also only goes so far, as while her endurance is great, she is also taking much more damage than others, and therefore is much more likely to go down from straight fatigue. [b]History:[/b] Inaya grew up in a farming community only a few kilometres from Haven. Her family's farm was a very large one, and employed dozens of farmhands to produce tonnes of crops for the city. From a very early age, she showed an interest in working with her father in the fields, and thus grew up under his wing. They worked every day from dusk until dawn, tending the fields. In her spare time, Inaya would spend time with the other children of the village, who she would quickly befriend She never hesitated to help the other children with whatever they asked, if it could lighten their load. Some took advantage of her this way, but she learned from them how to spot those who would take advantage of her kindness. She learned from her father that providing for others, without the expectation of thanks, was the true nature of altruism, and that to do so would honour her forefathers greatly. Inaya's father spoke very little of their lineage, but from the anecdotes and morals he did tell her, or that she overheard, she gathered they were a numerous people, and that they provided for and protected all those who required it. She was especially fond of the stories of those who would sacrifice themselves for others, those who would put everything at stake to protect their family, friends and neighbours. From her father she also came to know the Keyblade Guard, and she was ecstatic to learn of the Rite of the Legion. When the time came, she swore that she would pledge herself to the Legion, even if she didn't become a Keyblade wielder. [h1]The Blade[/h1] [b]Name:[/b] Meet You at Dawn [b]Description:[/b] The guard of the Keyblade is only open on one side, meaning the outward facing side is completely covered. The plate that covers the hilt is in the shape of a traditional metal shield, and designed so that it seems to be laid over the hilt. The guard itself circles half way from the base of the blade, then sweeps out to poke out from the bottom edge of the shield covering. The staff is straight and thick, and the teeth are in the shape of a rook. The whole Keyblade has a rather dull, grey style, as if made of an unpolished iron. Bits of rust can be seen eating away at the surface of the Keyblade. Strength: The heavy style of the blade allows for powerful blows and high absorption of a lot of damage. The shield covering the hilt also allows for better guard, leaving very little opening for attack. [b]Weakness:[/b] Heavy and not aerodynamic, meaning movement is laboured and difficult. [b]Other:[/b] The blade allows for moderately powerful Reflect magic, but no other magical capabilities. [/hider]