[b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/8117/f/2015/050/3/f/anime_girl_by_shigokuboy-d8iph80.png[/img] [b]Name[/b]: Eva Will [b]Age [/b]: 20 [b]Past[/b]: The sole child of her family meant that she was a treasure to be valued by her parents. They indulged her and protected her with the best of their abilities to craft the most beautiful porcelain doll to ever live on the planet. She is of wealthy background and is ignorant to most of life's problems but came to a decline after having scammed and bankrupted from business. Her parents poured their resources to place her inside a mysterious laboratory that claimed to have unlocked the secrets to becoming more than just plain human. For the first time ever Eva took matters to her own hands and filled the application and submitted them to the PRL. [b]Personality[/b]: A seemingly frail and damsel-in-distress like character charged with nothing but emotions in her life. Such an unstable condition had made her selfish in an occassion and demanding. Her outer exterio shows signs of insecurity and extreme fear towards pain-- causimg her to berserk when pain is instilled on her. [b]Fears[/b]: Pain Water Abandonment [b]Power[/b]: Ferrokinesis [b]Other[/b]: It is not known why she chose Ferrokinesis. When exposed to the power, her arm and leg limbs were torn apart by the power, mutating them to a pitch-black alloy that soon turns to her final arms and legs. The result was so painful that it resulted in violent PTSD that is incurable.