Name: Viva Crux, Vee to her friends Age: 25 Sex: Female Orientation: Bi? Pan? She's a friendly flirt so we really don't know... Position: Pilot / Navigator Qualifications: While not exactly 'certified', Viva has been flying for pretty much her entire life, and she knows the trade and merchant space-routes like the back of her hand. At any given time she can tell you where the three nearest spaceports are and how long to get there. Appearance: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Viva is fairly fit, although not rail thin and muscular, she's has a gentle roundness to her that belays the strength of her form. Her hair is a curly mess she tries to tame by keeping cut short, and is a ruddy auburn brown that matches the hazel of her eyes. She fair skinned, with a smattering of freckles from what little time she's spent land bound or in uv-light. She's a big fan of cargo pants- the more pockets the better, and she tends to keep whatever knick knacks and junk she can find in them- her favorite pair is a dark purple color. It goes well with her grey and neon-green stripe shirt that hits about her midriff. At any point in time she could be wearing a pair of obnoxiously large headphones, listening to loud raucous music. And if the weather is so inclined when they make landfall, an equally large coat styled to look like bomber jacket of ye-olden-times of pre-planetary travel. Personality: Fun loving and a free spirit. She loves to laugh and tends to be snarky and sarcastic, but she can also be stubborn and she's not afraid to stand up for herself. Space travel is her passion, and as much as she enjoys seeing new places and visiting new worlds she has a touch of wanderlust to her and gets antsy if she stays in one place too long. Space battles tend to thrill and terrify her in equal measure, loving the exhilarating adrenalin rush and absolutely petrified that the ship will become too damaged to limp to port- or that her crazy flying will kill somebody. She cares deeply about everybody she meets, even the people she doesn't like- she may hate your guts but that will never mean she wants you dead. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty though, and no stranger to the shader side of intergalactic planetary relations, she likes to stay on the legitimate side of things but understands there are times when you need to go outside the law to get things done. Likes: Space and being behind the wheel of a sweet flying ship. Seeing new worlds and visiting new places, meeting new people of all shapes, sizes, personalities, and species. Loves excitement and loud music, and real planet grown fruit and foods. She is fond of the color purple, and enjoys sensible clothes. And she really enjoys meeting new and attractive people and flirting with said people. Dislikes: Artificial UV sunlight, people who are judgemental or snobby about trying new things. Unnecessary cruelty, injustice and the cold dis-compassion for others. She is also not too fond of violence and hates bloodshed. Strengths: Her innate sense of direction in the three dimensional void of space is an enormous strength, but greater than that is her compassion for others. She is bold and fearless in the face of the unknown, and does her best to bolster the spirits of her shipmates. Weaknesses: She can be rash and stubborn at times, and her eagerness to dive in head first can get her in over her head. Her compassionate nature leaves her open to emotional manipulation, and she can be more than a little gullible. Open to relationships: Very open. She's a shameless flirt, but gets flustered at reciprocation. Please flirt with her. Relationships/family: Sergey Crux- Father, mechanic come pilot of the Lucidae. Retired. Gema Starling- Mother, smuggler come gunfighter of the Lucidae. Retired. Valko Crux- Twin Brother, mechanic come smuggler of the Lucidae. Active Criminal. Noah Rhoads- Current captain, childhood friend of her brother. Biography: Sergey Crux, Viva's father, was the mechanic-come-pilot of a small independent spacecraft called the Lucidae. The Lucidae was a smuggling vessel, and her crew tended to run on the shadier side of the law. Her mother, Gema Starling, was one of the smugglers and tended to live on the wild side- not even marriage slowed her down, getting into gunfights even when she was pregnant. She was born and so was her twin brother Valko, and they were raised in space together on the Lucidae for nearly their entire childhood. Born in space, she grew up in the pilot's chair on her father's knee. By the time she was ten 'years' old she was allowed to fly her father's frigate on her own for a shift. The vastness of space was her backyard and the well traveled merchant routes as familiar neighborhood streets. She's a natural in the pilot's chair that only a fascinated child can be- by the time she reached her later teens she'd taken over the position of pilot permanently. Valko was taught the mechanic side of things, and always relished the opportunity to get his hands dirty. He also inevitably learned about the smuggling side of things- and he took to that with just as much relish. It caused some friction between the two twins, Viva didn't care for the reckless danger nearly as much as Valko did- what they did and who it affected didn't matter to him, but Viva was so much more compassionate about the plight of others. Their parents eventually retired, running a kind of bar come safe house called Kuiper Belt House, in one of the more out of the way reaches of the galaxy, and the twins took up their positions on the Lucidae, with their childhood friend Noah Rhoads taking over as captain. After that, things changed between the twins and not for the better. Valko and the captain had become good friends and decided to take their enterprise from simple smuggling runs to outright criminal activities. While Viva could understand the thrill of running under the radar and thumbing their nose at authority, she found she did not share the same glee that her brother and friend took in the darker more violent schemes. Shady back alley deals, and smuggling runs were one thing but the dangerous escapades had only been escalating...