[color=f63817]"Yeah.. you do that."[/color] Wim wasn't sure wether he dreaded the idea of having to deal with Devon again or if he enjoyed his fighting spirit. Nevertheless, that was far from being the first thing on his mind. Right now, all he could think about was about his new friend, Buzzer, and how cool he was. [color=f63817]"Needlesap? That doesn't sound like much fun, but I guess we have to begin somewhere. if only there was some way of seeing who had the best Pokémon first..."[/color], Wim had a brilliant idea. [color=f63817]"Hey! I know! I'll both of you this building's entrance. Whoever gets there second gets to battle me!"[/color] Without waiting for a reaction from either of his fellow trainers, Wim bolted for the door. Right before exiting the building, he turned around, realizing he had forgotten something important. [color=f63817]"Thanks Professor!"[/color] After planting a kiss firmly in the Professor's cheek, Wim started running towards the door again. [color=f63817]"Now this is how you start an adventure!"[/color]