[center][B]Welcome to Sky High Academy! [/B] [IMG] http://www.seeing-stars.com/locations/SkyHigh/School-floating.jpg[/IMG] We, Sky High Academy for the gifted children, have set our goal to “Contribute to the Society through Vocational Education.” To teach Boys and Girls around the World to Master their Powers and to not be afraid of the Human World! ------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [Hider=Rules] This is a free-willed RP, but there are a few guidelines. -Do not attack other characters without approval -If you are unsure about something ask I will answer to the best of my ability. -If you have a suggestion let me know I welcome suggestions -No fighting. I don't mind discussions and disagreements. -Use the mention button. It helps people know your talking to them. -Internal thoughts are great but please make them appear different from your spoken words. I don't care if you use color or italics. -Romance is allowed -Create your own weapons/Spells/Powers (Be creative!) -You must have a weakness, but it doesn't need to be announced. -Understand that your powers will be moderated at the beginning. -Teacher is NPCs (you control them) -((Put 'Powers' if you read this)) *((Powers)) Please keep them close to real, not some crazy power.[/Hider]-------------------[hider=Teachers] *Teacher are NPC, you would have to Control them. Principle - [B]Mr. Charm[/B] Vise-Principle - [B]Mr. Evil[/B] School Doctor - [B]Mr. Night[/B] ------------------- Home Room: 1-1 - [B]Miss. Hefty[/B] Home Room: 2-1 - [B]Mr. Smith[/B] Home Room: 3-1 - [B]Ms. Chantal[/B] English I - [B]Ms. Addison[/B] Gym/Health - [B]Mr. Roger[/B] Study Hall - [B]Miss. Rita[/B] Creature I - [B]Mr. Ida[/B] Science I/II/III - [B]Ms. Cornelius[/B] Biology I/II/III - [B]Mr. Herman[/B] Chemistry I/II/III - [B]Mr. Guy[/B] Magic History - [B]Ms. India[/B] Magic I/II/III - [B]Mr. Adam[/B] Social Studies I - [B]Mrs. Magus[/B] Math I/II/III - [B]Miss. Chairs[/B] ------------------- [U]Fine Arts[/U] Art – [B]Mr. Picasso[/B] Drama - [B]Ms. Robin[/B] Choral Music - [B]Ms. Pots[/B] Wood Shop/Tech Shop - [B]Mr. Peach[/B] Fashion Studies/ Foods - [B]Miss. Cher[/B][/hider]-------------------[hider=Classes] *What I did was give a basic idea for the classes, but you can switch them around if you like, to make it more fun. For example 2nd class says gym and 3d class is science. And you have two 2nd years, 1 2nd year can have 2 class as science while the other 2nd year can have gym class for 2nd class. [U]Classes[/U] [B]First Years[/B] Home Room: 1-1 1-A: English I 1-B: Gym 1-C: Science I/Biology I/ Chemistry I 1-D: Magic History 1-E: Magic I 1-F: Fine Arts (Any) 1-G: Math I 1-H: Social Studies I [B]Second Years[/B] Home Room: 2-1 2-A: Math II 2-B: Gym/Health 2-C: Magic II 2-D: Science II 2-E: Study Hall 2-F: Fine Arts (Any) 2-G: Creature I 2-H: Fine Arts (Any) [B]Third Years[/B] Home Room: 3-1 3-A: Magic III 3-B: Study Hall 3-C: Fine Arts (Any) 3-D: Gym/Health 3-E: Math III 3-F: Fine Arts (Any) 3-G: Study Hall 3-H: Science III/Biology III/ Chemistry III ------------------- [B]Fine Arts[/B] Art Drama Choral Music Wood Shop Tech Shop Fashion Studies Foods[/hider]------------------- [b]Template [/b] Appearance: Name: Super Name: Age: Human/Machine/Other: Powers: (If you have any? What kind of Powers you specific in) Weakness: Personality: Grade: Club: Other: