[b]Appearance:[/b] She's 5'5" tall and caucasian. She's a bit thin and appears pale. Her eyes are a rich brown, whereas her hair is a light brown. Her hair falls to about her upper middle back. There are a few hard-to-see streaks of red in her hair from the last time she dyed it. She has a tattoo of a small but well made rose on the back of her hand. [b]Name:[/b] Sarah Anabelia [b]Nickname (if applicable):[/b] None yet [b]Age 12-40:[/b] 20 [b]Past(optional):[/b] She had a pretty average and uneventful childhood. She didn't make too many friends at school, as she usually kept to herself. She didn't mind though, and the few friends she managed to make were great fun. She got into trouble at school a few times, though nothing serious. She eventually lost contact with her few friends and reverted back into seclusion for a while. [b]Personality:[/b] She is withdrawn. Most of the time she feels really uncomfortable speaking with strangers, though she does try her best to make conversation when she has to. She doesn't necessarily dislike other people or dislike talking to them, but she greatly prefers her own company. She usually finds it easier speaking to others online. She frequently gets annoyed whenever someone tries talking to her out of nowhere. Most of the time, she prefers to be left alone. Once someone manages to get her to open up however, she'll be revealed to be friendly, good, and surprisingly mischievous. [b]Fears:[/b] Though Sarah doesn't know of any real phobias she might have, she really dislikes spiders and snakes. She also becomes really paranoid whenever she has to walk alone at night. [b]Power they applied for:[/b] Invisibility [b]Other:[/b] Sarah legitimately has no idea why she got her tattoo, and almost regrets getting it. - (Hope this will do. Didn't get as much time to think-up the character as I would have hoped.)