[quote=@VKAllen] If I may, would the blood manipulation affect your own blood or others as well?[/quote] Nope, his own blood. He cannot control the blood of others. [hider=Character Sheet] [hider=Appearance][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/c656dc408e28d6fc8f5853f6a8b96d43/tumblr_ntfjomBfUh1ubulx0o1_1280.jpg[/img][/hider] [b][u]Name[/u]:[/b] [indent]Rei Yorutsuki[/indent] [b][u]Nicknames[/u]:[/b] [indent]Ray, Zero, Sice[/indent] [b][u]Age[/u]:[/b] [indent]19[/indent] [b][u]Past/History[/u]:[/b] [indent]Rei was born in Las Vegas to a Japanese father and Chinese mother, but his mother abandoned the family for another man when he turned five - Rei had no choice but to stand up on his own feet to look after himself, so as not to be a burden to his father. His dad became a workaholic in order to escape the anguish at the loss of his woman that hurt his pride and pretty much ignored his son's existence, whom he didn't know what to do with. Young Rei had been quite a queer child - when he was a baby he rarely cried; as he grew up his introverted personality became more and more apparent. He found it difficult to connect with people and his reclusive situation worsened, in which he started to take up martial arts training and throwing himself into various random interests and activities to fill up the emptiness in his social life. He was constantly been targeted by the bullies in school and in his neighborhood - even though he merely shrugged them off and went on with his daily life, he was unaware of a dark seed that was planted inside of him... When he was fifteen, a group of drunk gamblers who had just lost their money mugged and tried to rape him to vent their anger and frustration - that became a trigger that caused something inside of Rei to snap and killed them all out of sudden rage. That spur of violent outburst started to corrode his inside and the seed began to grow... His father, out of fear of his potential bloodlust, decided to send him to PRL. He signed his son up for an ability that would draw only on his own blood, to keep him in check should his dark side ever goes on an unexpected rampage.[/indent] [b][u]Personality[/u]:[/b] [indent]On the outside, Rei is a quiet, mild-mannered teenager who is rather oblivious to his surroundings and always seems to be lost in his own thoughts, preferring to work at his own pace - an odd loner. It's difficult to start a conversation and/or keep it going with him, for he pays little to no attention to the ongoing discussion and instead let his mind drifts off to things that interest him more, sometimes he may suddenly change the topic at random and that often confuses the rest, or leave the group without prior warning. As one gets to know him better, hints of his sadistic side will start to surface: he rarely sympathize with others, secretly enjoying the sight of them writhing in agony. In truth, Rei is someone who is cold, blunt and downright sarcastic at first but may slowly warms up to you as you interact with him more - he just doesn't know how to be honest with himself and isn't good with words, so he may unconsciously offend others or can be quite cryptic at times.[/indent] [b][u]Fears[/u]:[/b] [list][*]Hugging, or the feeling of being strangled/crushed by someone [*]Loud Noise/Explosions [*]Sudden bright light such as camera flash[/list] [b][u]Power Applied For[/u]:[/b] [indent]Hemokinesis/Blood Manipulation[/indent] [b][u]Others[/u]:[/b] [indent]Somewhat obsessed with tasting blood samples - not drinking blood, just tasting.[/indent] [/hider]