Ken told Audrey to get her stuff and meet him out be the car in about 20 minutes. He went to his office and went through what he called a 1 minute function check. He checked and made sure there were no voicemails. Then he skimmed any notes left on his desk and glanced through his email list to make sure nothing jumped out at him as urgent. Everything seemed fine for the moment. Good. His case he was working with Agent James wasn’t anything major, it was actually a pretty slam dunk case. There was a unsanctioned mage using his magic to shake down street vendors at night near the sports arena. They had worked with local PD because they weren’t sure about the extent of the SNs power and didn’t want to go in without good information and have some mage fry a bunch of people. It was nice that the locals reached out on this one because sometimes, various departments had various levels of bias against SNs and tried to keep things “in house.” It was not uncommon for those incidents to end up with a body or two and then the ASA being assigned to take over the case. James and Granderson spent the last few days talking to people who knew him, following him and made an assessment that if he was confronted, he wouldn’t react violently. Today, the ASA had a judge issue a warrant on several counts of extortion and threatening use of a deadly weapon. He looked at his watch. He had over 10 minutes until he had to meet his current partner at the vehicle, so he sat on the corner of his desk and looked at the file labeled S. HUMES. He didn’t need to open it, he’d read it twice over. He mulled over it and tried to get his head around the new agent. On paper, everything about him looked squared away. He seemed like a great addition to the team, and even meeting him briefly in person, he got that same feeling. But something was up. Granderson knew that. He could almost smell it. Humes had been released from one department citing “budget cuts” but upon a quick look into the department, Humes was the only budget item cut. Additionally, there were other officers with less time in the department and others with negative paperwork that should have been the first people let go. It just didn’t make sense, and no one at that department seemed willing to talk about it. Then, his most recent stint at a department was going well until, for no explainable reason, he was simply placed on desk and office duties after performing, according to case files, admirably on the streets as a detective. That, according to his initial phone interview, was the reason he requested the transfer, casually mentioning that he simply didn’t mesh well with his command--which didn’t seem like an outright lie. Sometimes, half truths were harder to see than outright lies. He looked at his watch and shook his head, pushing those thoughts aside for now. He was going to go meet Agent James, and they’d go to the local police HQ, get a tactical team, and place the suspect under arrest. He got to the car a bit earlier than he expected and got in, starting the car. Just as it fired up, his partner stepped out of a door and made her way into the vehicle. She set her things in the car and nodded to Granderson. He put on his seatbelt and asked quickly, “[color=f26522]all set James?[/color]”