[b]-Name:[/b] Brandy Amelia Carson [b]-Age:[/b] 37 [b]-Gender:[/b] Female [b]-Rebirth:[/b] Yes [b]-Rank / Assignment:[/b] Captain. Medical, Doctor, field medic, surgeon. [b]-Call sign:[/b] Doc [b]-Personality:[/b] [hider=Personality] With the things that have happened in her past her personality has the tendency to bounce back and forth. Naturally she's a fun loving, carefree, and even silly type of person, but she feels the need to try and hide it or play it down. The face she tries to put on for everyone else is much more serious and restrained. It's her goal to act like a model soldier, most times though she is far from it. Upon first meeting her she'll appear clean cut, well mannered and committed. Soon though when she starts warming up to you she'll open up and show her more true self. A person who loves deeply and is a s free spirited as a bird. [/hider] [b]-History:[/b] [hider=History] There isn't anything incredibly interesting about her family or where she came from. Her parents were good, honest, and likable people who worked hard so their children wouldn't be lacking anything. They had a nice yet modest home in a good area and sent their kids to good private schools. Perfect, right? Not according to a young and bored Brandy. She thought her life was boring and sheltered. In her teen years this led to her seeking out some less than desirable friends. She started going to parties and drinking, then she was sneaking out almost every night to meet up with her friends. And then these friends would introduce her to their friends who would introduce her to a whole new level of bad habits. Before long Brandy was addicted to drugs and alcohol, failing school, hooking up with strange boys, and rarely ever home. Her parents could see what was happening but didn't want to except it, but finally they were forced to.... One night at a particularly wild and crazy party Brandy, her best friend, and her boyfriend all overdosed on a new drug. The best friend died shortly after using the drug, dead in the middle of the party. The boyfriend died in rout to the hospital. Brandy was the only one who lived, and it was only just barely. Her parents were terrified and enraged. As soon as she was mostly better they told her that she was being sent to the academy where she would learn some discipline and respect. So broken and shocked by the death of her best friend and boyfriend she didn't fight it. During her recovery at the hospital she learned that the doctor who saved her life was a retired military doctor who was only able to help because he recognized the drug as being a diluted version of a poison the UKD used years ago on a colony near where he was deployed. He had treated those people with little to no success but was able to save Brandy and bring her back to good health. This always stuck with her and nearly a year later, after her basics at the academy, led her to choose medical as her specialty. This wasn't an easy road and took her years to complete her training but she has always felt it was the best choice she ever made. In her years of service it's always been her goal to reach out and help those, whether soldier or civilian, in the most danger. This means as close to the front lines as possible. That's why she joined Rebirth, so that they would let her go to more high risk areas. She has even gone under cover to sneak supplies into UKD occupied areas. [/hider] [b]-Skills:[/b] she's a very good doctor / field medic. Her knowledge of the human body and what it can take is impressive. Working in places with limited resources has taught her to think on her feet and come up with alternative ways to treat and heal people. She's good with smaller guns and decent at hand-to-hand combat. [b]-Weaknesses:[/b] Since she was once addicted to drugs and alcohol she has to constantly watch herself to make sure she isn't slipping back into her old ways. It's like a dark cloud that constantly hangs over her. Since her job requires her to be around pharmaceutical drugs she's always paranoid she'll use them. Occasionally she'll have stress related outbursts / breakdowns connected with her past. She isn't that keen on fighting and killing, therefore she's never tried to get good with different weapons but this doesn't mean that she won't fight or even kill. [b]-Romantic Relationship:[/b] Not currently involved with anyone. She use to be with a lot of different boys but when her boyfriend overdosed she didn't want to be with anyone for quite awhile. Since then she's dated a couple times but they didn't work out for one reason or another. [b]-Other:[/b] she isn't particularly fond of Rebirth. The only reason she joined was to help other people. Therefore she endeavors to use it as little as possible. She's been a Rebirth for over 10 years but has used it only a small handful of times. [b] -Appearance:[/b] [hider=Appearance] Average height and weight. She has a womanly figure that is particularly generous in the butt and hips. Her bright smile is often contagious and inviting. Her eyes are a hazel-brown color that show a person who is still trying to find their self. All her life she's been teased about having enough hair for two people. As she's gotten older she's learned how to take care of it. It's still big hair with full body and loose curls / wave though. She likes to wear it down or partially back. Her skin is medium dark with scars of drug use and some tattoos that she tries to hide. [/hider] [URL=http://s1076.photobucket.com/user/BlackRose1701/media/1348d9690fc280fbacea5d7278c62005_zpsjltg52sc.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w442/BlackRose1701/1348d9690fc280fbacea5d7278c62005_zpsjltg52sc.jpg[/IMG][/URL]