[quote=@rush99999] Faction Name: The Xenomorphs Origin: The Aliens Series Faction Type: Hive mind Faction Rank: No idea Color: Black Assigned GM: No idea Starting Area: R2 (I'm not good at photo-editing) Faction Introduction: The Xenomorphs are predatory creatures with no higher goals than the propagation of their species and the destruction of any life that could pose a threat to them. After an intense battle at an alien temple between the Xenomorphs, the Colonial Marines, and the Predators, some crazy shit went down and a rip in the space-time continuum opened up. The Xenomorph queen got chucked through this rip by a Colonial Marine. Upon arriving on Ardessen, the Xenomorph queen and the Xenomorphs that followed their queen through the rip quickly set about building a new hive and infesting The Brave New World. Faction Strengths:[list] [*] Possesses incredible speed, agility, and strength. [*] Able to walk on ceilings and walls. [*] Almost invisible in the dark. [*] Doesn't require food. [*] Uses their enemies as incubators. [/list] Faction Weaknesses:[list] [*] Weak against fire. [*] Fall into disarray without a queen. [*] They don't do diplomacy (For the most part). [/list] [/quote]Physical characteristics usually aren't part of the traits. Think of something which matters on the strategic scale. No need for food and using other animals as incubators are that. Maybe add that they are traversing mostly underground and are difficult to find. Maybe we can also add tht Xenomorphs spawn extremely quick. Weaknesses of the Xenomorphs are their dependence on the Queen, lack of communication with other species and the fact they seemingly aren't intelligent enough to use tools. The last two are actually quite heavy drawbacks here. Diplomacy with other factions and tech sharing would be thing. You're missing most of that.