Name: King Levarticus III of the Kravenfriht Empire. Gender: Male Age: Unknown, as he has survived longer than thought humanly possible. Nation of birth: Kravenfriht Appearance: A man obsessed with black armor, he wears a dark and foreboding piece of it on every inch of himself when in public, and his eyes are blood red at the iris. In a more modern world, he would be regarded as looking like a metal version of the Dark Knight (ironically). see image below: [img][/img] Personality: Cold and Calculating, it would do you well to not have him shout at you, but it's worse when he's so mad he whispers. He will order his servants to do anything to accomplish his goals, even kill their comrades, and disobedience is not tolerated among his Personal Guard, even if the order is to kill a friend. Valuable possessions: His Sword of the Knight of Five of Kravenfriht Short History: As a child, he was looked down on and told he would never amount to anything. Naturally this lead to him wanting to prove everyone wrong. He enlisted in the army at an early age and once he got close to the King of Kravenfriht, he slaughtered him, then took command of the kingdom. He didn't stop there, making sure to allow no one to surpass him, he researched the Knight of Five of Kravenfriht's weakness and exploited it in order to kill him and obtain the Sword he possessed, then demanded absolute servitude after conquering the five Nations with well placed sneak attacks. his terms are simple. Serve him, or the trade routes to your Nation are cut off. permanently. Sword Power 1: Longevity of life. no one knows for how long, or if this is permanent Sword Power 2: Enhanced Durability. no ordinary unarmed combatant has ever beat him. Sword Power 3: Unknown to anyone but his (current) head of the army (he goes through several a year) Sword appearance: [img][/img]