once they were outside, Dimitri was reminded yet again that he hated the cold. This world was an oddity in itself that was for sure as he gawked at the scene before him. Flying metal contraptions and dragons? The dragon was the least strange thing he had seen so far, having seen similar beasts in passing back on Temperance. As far as he knew the great scaled beasts of the skies back home, were not hostile and considered almost like a deity, Their vast life span telling tails of infinite knowledge and intelligence while simultaneously commanding respect. The origins of the dragons back home were older than the risen continents and these ones had grown docile over the centuries. In actual fact his aerial companion was similar to its draconian counterpart. Far smaller than any dragon mind you but they bared similar features. The Windstriders of the Eastern Ridges were quite gentle once they got to know you but would fight if threatened. Stranger to Dimitri was the metal vehicle the dragon was currently chewing on and also the metallic weapons that William and Dzel were carrying. He had not seen them actually do anything and he was curious to see them in action. This dragon was not friendly. It seemed the complete opposite of what Dimitri was used to. Aggressive and powerful, a manifestation of pure rage it seemed as he watched what little light was left reflect in its jagged scales. it watched the gouts of flames as they burst from the dragon and the metal vehicle lodged in its great maw. He watched Dzel as she readied her weapon then asked William if it would hurt the dragon. The monk was unsure what William thought of this dragon in any case, but Dzel seemed not to be afraid of it. no wonder to Dimitri. He figured the woman had nerves of steel anyway. He lifted Herbert to his feet and steadied him holding his gaze "I guess this isn't something you're used to seeing huh? I say we head down the pathway. anywhere seems better than in front of this creature right now." he then called to Dzel "I think we should leave Dzel. Down the pathway and hopefully towards the base of this cursed mountain. Unless you're certain that metal weapon will put the beast down... though considering its size compared to the dragons well I'd just hate to upset it further given the circumstances laid before us."