Devon sat down at the edge of the forest on the Needlesap Town side. He reached into his bag and pulled out the sandwich he had stolen from Lia's desk. About halfway through his sandwich, he heard a rustling from behind him. He stood up and spun around, yelling, [color=ed1c24]"Whose there?![/color]?" Almost as if in response, a Carnivine flew out from the brush and over his head. [color=ed1c24]"GO! Trapinch!" [/color]He threw his pokeball, pointing at the Carnivine, [color=ed1c24]"Use Bite!"[/color] Trapinch lunged forward, closing its jaws on Carnivine. Carnivine recoiled slightly from the attack, leaving it vulnerable to another attack. [color=ed1c24]"Now, use Mud Shot!" [/color]A ball of mud formed in front of Trapinch's mouth, and it fired seconds after. Carnivine moved to the left, just dodging the move. The opposing pokemon's arm began to glow, it brought it down on Trapinch, apparently using Vine Whip. Trapinch was nearly K.O.ed, but Devon would not allow it to relent, [color=ed1c24]"Use Feint Attack!" [/color]Trapinch faded from view and reappeared behind Carnivine and tackled it. Devon saw his chance and pulled out a Pokeball from his pocket and continued to toss it at Carnivine. The Pokeball shook for a few minutes and Devon used this time to finish eating. When he heard the Pokeball click, he scooped it up and clasped it to his belt. A minute later, he had arrived in Needlesap Town. He opened his bag and dug around in it for a bit, but when his hands and face withdrew from its depths, people all the way back in Champion's Village could have heard the curses he invoked along with the insults toward Lia he uttered. [color=ed1c24]"I can't believe she kept my Pokedex! Of all the things she held on to for me, that was the ONE thing she forgot to give back!" [/color]Devon was clearly displeased, and the citizens of Needlesap Town gave him confused looks. He decided she would send Dweeb and Co. to deliver it to him so he sat at the Farmer's Market in the rural farming town. [color=ed1c24]"They've gotta know about this, its the most popular Farmer's Market in Newvorean. But then again, we are talking about a bunch of stupid foreigners..." [/color]Devon mumbled, before laughing to himself and laying down on the edge of a small fountain to nap.