The Noosphere. Massive yet massless, stationary yet constantly roiling and shifting, utterly uncaring yet filled with passion. The sum total of humanity's thoughts, feelings, and culture, the Noosphere surrounds the Earth, embracing and smothering it like a caring mother. Where the atmosphere consists of simple atoms, the Noosphere is built from human emotions- happiness, fear, greed, curiosity. Mysterious and uncompromising, the Noosphere represents the endgoal of human mystery. How does it affect us? What is it doing? How was it formed? Important questions that may never find answers. With only one being on Earth capable of interacting with or even [i]observing[/i] the Noosphere, it stands tall, a looming mystery wrapped in an enigma. Currently, the Noosphere was broadcasting peppy, brainless music directly into the track field of Sun Ridge Boarding Institute. That area just so happened to be exactly where Rafaelo Siegfried and a pair of his fellow students were situated. Somehow, a miniature studio stage had formed up between the three people-- Siegfried with his back to a massive screen, and the other two students at podiums. Despite not having a power source, the screen behind Siegfried was brightly lit and displaying a simple two-word phrase. A title. [h1]"[color=red]QUIZ[/color] [color=lightblue]TIME![/color]"[/h1]