Percy looked at the Professor as she told him of her own Talonflame, and grew excited [color=00aeef]"Really? I'd love to see that one day!"[/color] and accepted the pokedex and HoloCaster with glee. This day was amazing, he was a real trainer now. He was ready for his journey though he didn't think that battling against Wim was the best idea, not yet anyway. After all due to his book he knew that Fletchling wouldn't be able to stand up against Elekid in a fair battle. Not yet anyway. [color=00aeef]"Thank you again Professor, I'll come with you too, Viola. Sounds like fun."[/color] He gave her a smile and opened his pokedex and aimed it at his head, his pokemon, he then set the sound off and merely read the information it gave him. He wondered if the information was more or less for a pokemon he hadn't yet caught. He decided there was only one way to find out. By looking for pokemon. [color=00aeef]"So what gym is in Needlesap I wonder"[/color] he murmured to himself and Fletchling though loud enough for Viola and the Professor to hear as well as he spun on his heel and walked out of the door, still in a daze from what the day had brought him so far. He stood at the entrance waiting for Viola, he was willing to wait, it seemed like a good idea for them all to leave at the same time. Start their journeys together.