[center][h3][i]A hero who knew how to save everything but himself, Kyle was locked in prison after he murdered a famed and beloved priest, who happened to be a disguised leader of an underground crime syndicate. With all evidence that could provide reason behind his actions erased by the rest of the syndicate's leaders, Kyle got the hang of his own kind of prison life... Until now.[/i][/h3][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/GSAIL8t.png[/img][/center] [center][i]"They made the mistake of locking up a person who has little self-value."[/i][/center] [hr] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/6oFBKbN.png[/img] [h3]"I'm back."[/h3] [h1][b][color=f7941d]Kyle Belle[/color][/b][/h1] [h3][b][u]Basics[/u][/b][/h3] [b]Male[/b] [b]Human[/b] [b]Age: [color=fff79a]28[/color][/b] [b]Height: [color=fff79a]185 cm[/color][/b] [b]Weight: [color=fff79a]210 lb[/color][/b] [b]Hair Color: [color=fff79a]Blonde[/color][/b] [b]Eye Color:: [color=6ecff6]Blue[/color][/b] [b]Skin Color: [color=fff79a]Healthy[/color][/b] [b]Figure: [color=fff79a]Muscular (Lean)[/color][/b] [b]Job: None[/b] [h3]Powers[/h3] [i]The Power To Throw Sh-- Around Him Like A Human Being Would:[/i] Kyle Belle can pick up anything small and fire it like a missile (usually stones). Damage lessens as the object travels farther, but to make up for its generally weak far-range potential, the objects tend to go far in a straight line. [i]Scat Trip:[/i] Kyle Belle is heavily resistant to mind manipulation. Thankfully, he's not much of a mind-manipulating person. He's pretty damn fast and strong, though. [i]Knife:[/i] Give Belle a knife and he could make taco bell out of a lot of things that enter his sight. Thing is that he can't just go ahead and pick one out of the air; he needs to either find one or get one from someone else. Once he carries a knife, he won't pick up anything around him, so he may suddenly throw the blade to the middle of nowhere. [h3]Weaknesses[/h3] [i]Walker:[/i] Kyle walks. Does he run? Yes, but he hates it. [i]Prisoner Mindset:[/i] Kyle takes orders in very literal ways. If someone forgets to add something in an order given to him, then he will probably never think about doing it. [i]Cuffs:[/i] Kyle's strength and speed is wonky, and since he is used to having cuffs at this point, breaking them may cause strange side effects to both himself and the opponent. [h3]Personality[/h3] Kyle seems like a regularly lazy person from a first glance, but he is actually considered to be one of the most fervent fighters to ever have existed. Though he expresses lack of enthusiasm for many things that do not interest him, he is quite easy to persuade into doing things. He enjoys fighting and toying around with those who severely underestimate the massive power he achieved. [h3]Background[/h3] He came out on TV, he came out for both his uprising against crime and downfall from it. A hero who knew how to save everything but himself, Kyle was locked in prison after he murdered a famed and beloved priest, who happened to be a disguised leader of an underground crime syndicate. With all evidence that could provide reason behind his actions erased by the rest of the syndicate's leaders, Kyle got the hang of his own kind of prison life. He was released when he accepted a contract; a contract that made him work directly under Maria Cross and her comrades. He has no intentions on betraying anyone, and actually considers his prison to be his final destination in the end. [h3]Fun Facts[/h3] - Margaret Clementine used to be- and still is- a fan of Kyle Belle. - Old posters and magazines featured Kyle Belle. - Kyle Belle knows a lot about the Deep Web- and he understandably stays quiet about it. [h3]Theme[/h3] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JapDyUwAu8[/youtube][/center]