It was nothing short of a miracle that Mithril made it to Medburn in the first place. See, Mithril had an abnormally horrible sense of direction, and I mean [i]really[/i] bad. In fact, his sense of direction was so bad, that it seemed to warp space itself. For example; one time when Mithril was climbing down his mountain home, he somehow ended up on the peak. However, despite the random spatial distortions caused by his navigation, he didn't really understand that his sense of direction was truly that bad. Why Mention any of this you may ask? Well it's simple; during his exploration of the town, he somehow ended up in Phosphor Forest. "Huh...I wonder how I got here. I could have sworn I was just in someone's house. Hmmm...maybe they have a greenhouse? Oh well, just more for me to explore" and in a very Mithril fashion, the Ghost/Steel type simply brushed off his state of completely-lost. As he merrily made his was through the forest, whistling a tune (despite not having lips. No questions dammit!), he stumbled across a Ralts and Swablu "Oh hi! Are you two on an epic greenhouse safari too?" he asked them