Amaya's Blizzaga, Henry's Irradiate, and above all, Mach's super-kick managed to immobilize and weaken the Darkside, prompting the Princess of Heart - technically, Amaya shared the same title - to move forward, running fast before anyone can stop her, and [i]embracing[/i] the Heartless, her hands coming into contact with its black form. For a moment, nothing happened, then the Jupiter Darkside was surrounded by a swirl of lights, shrinking, reverting, slowly transforming back into Jupiter Lark, unconcious. And that was the end of that part of the battle. "Amazing..." Angus found the time to remark, as he pulled back his damaged Dispel and Sleep Chains. He would then shoot the top half of his Keyblade again, but, this time, it was towards the sky, where it would open up a rift in space, then vanish. Only for a second later, for the heavens to rain down smaller, mundane chains with no spells attached to them, but came in great number, all racing towards every member of the group, including where Tocsax and Msizi were fighting. Tocsax, ever the pragmatist, just opened up a Corridor of Darkness and disappeared inside. However, this was not the end of his involvement in the battle, because as soon as he disappeared, a shot of pure energy hit Msizi; Ultima Cannon - the Ultimate Shotlock. Shrugging off the blast, the Zulu in South African Military Gear focused on Joshua, shooting a stream of poisonous sludge at him. Should Henry shoot at the guy with his shotgun, there would be a few wounds and flecks of blood, but the Zulu would keep focusing on the Dark Warrior, instinctively seeing in him the second strongest threat - the first, in raw power but [i]not[/i] fighting skill, was Tocsax, who was now using Lightbloom* on the Zulu and Angus. It was clear that in one or two rounds, the fight will have to end soon... *