“Wait for me, Nina!” I call out as I follow her to get some food. I guess she wants to stake out a good seat or something? If she wanted to get there quick, I could probably just try and teleport her there… Actually, on second thought, I probably shouldn’t, that feels like it wouldn’t turn out so well for some reason… After grabbing a seat with Nina and actually eating my food, I decide that it seems better than last time. Maybe food just tastes better after working for most of the day? I’ll have to see if this is the case tomorrow, or maybe even a few more days if I really want to be sure about it. Unfortunately, though, some other team decides that they can cramp my style, and as they futilely attempt to answer Nina’s question, I decide to give them a piece of my mind. “Ok,” I cut in. “Wait, stop. I’ve seen [i]cripples[/i] strike better poses than that. What are you trying to convey with this formation, your sense of balance? Where’s the dynamic? If you don’t have the sense to appreciate style, then don’t even try it.” And with that, I leave the “awesome” team to finish putting their thoughts together, though Chip does perfectly time a kick to one of their shins right after I get up and leave. Just as I start down the hall, I hear a familiar voice call to my attention: “Hello.” My brother says as I turn towards him, feeling like I’m about to have the mother of all heart attacks. “Oh hi Leon,” I sputter out quickly. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here I mean why would you ever come around to a place like this when there’s so much to do back home I mean seriously I needed to take such a huge break from it all and relax a little bit but then you show up all of the sudden and how did you even get down here-” “Spare me the usual prattling, sister,” Leon says, his tone strangely devoid of any negativity. “To answer your question, I decided to leave and track you down myself. As for how I got in, the sentries let me in. The fools probably mistook me for you.” True enough, he looks almost exactly like me, save for his eyes being a different shade of blue and the fact that he wears a necklace instead of a scarf, though the latter would be the only difference that’s immediately noticeable. “Oh…,” I say awkwardly as I start to calm down a little bit. “You didn’t come here alone, did you?” He shakes his head. “I was asked to bring Dimon and MacArthur,” My brother answers with a tinge of annoyance. “Though I in turn asked them to wait outside. Now, if you’re done asking your questions, come with me; we’re going home.” “I… I can’t,” I say, deciding to elaborate after he looks at me with confusion. “I can’t go back there, not now. I can’t sit in a room my whole life listening to political intrigue with a blank smile, you know? I’ve got to find my own place in life first… I feel like it’s what Mom would have wanted…” Leon goes silent for a moment before answering me; “Well then…,” he says. “I suppose I could misdirect them for a few days… Perhaps this is a good opportunity to do a little searching of my own…” He grabs his pendant in his hand as he speaks, and he turns to leave, teleporting away before I can thank him. I go back to our team’s room, closing the door quietly and laying down on my bed. I open my journal and try to write another journal entry, but I can’t seem to get anything written down, so I just start absentmindedly doodling until I get tired and throw the book down at the side of the bed, trying to go to sleep.