[@Kalimah] Do you know what an autohit is? It's attacking a character without the creator's permission and I don't anyone actually understands that anymore. Mobbing my character, really? In the school cafeteria which is declared neutral territory where the worst thing that happened was the food fight of two Friday's ago? That's such an autohit, I was just responding in kind. Secondly, I don't know if you've been around a manicured hand with pointy nails but when they dig or scratch your skin, they hurt. Also, biting hurts. So against some teenagers who have a low pain tolerance, and are all trying to grab her at once so there's chaos. And after they realized that they couldn't gag her(because she ripped the thing in half), wouldn't they stop when she threatens? They don't know she's bluffing. She came here because she Sang and a politicians daughter drown herself. That's the thing about my character, is that she bluffs a lot, and she's really good at bluffing. Which she can, normally, but not in her human body(which is why I didn't mention it). The thing is, your character doesn't know that. Couldn't know that. I can edit, add some prefects in to help remove the mob, because that was so not cool, but I'm keeping her hand around his throat. You attack me, I attack you. Simple enough.