[center][img]http://www.mosta2bal.com/vb/imgcache/3/17724code.jpg[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24]Name:[/color] Alexander Hightopp [color=ed1c24]Nickname(s):[/color] Alex, Xander, Ander [color=ed1c24]Age:[/color] 16 [color=ed1c24]Parents:[/color] [b]The Mad Hatter (Tarrant Hightopp) & Alice Pleasance Liddell[/b] Alice returned to underland later in her life and ran into the Mad Hatter. She spent a few years with him in underland, constantly on the run from the Queen of Hearts. Secretly changing her identity Alice remained hidden in Underland. The only person who knew who she truly was was the Mad Hatter. Along their crazy journey, the two fell madly in love the other and decided to have a kid. [color=ed1c24]Bio:[/color] Alexander was born in Underland but when he was three They moved back to the human world in hopes of remaining hidden from the queen. Alexander was given the gift of wonder that both of his parents held, he loves to explore and loves to read fantasy novels. He was given his mother’s kind, helpful nature but also her stubbornness. From his father he received a love for tea and a love for causing mischief. [center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-IExYo1EAWZ0/VWwowdHJaAI/AAAAAAAAQE4/fy4vefi5cGE/w382-h541/8246ce08a663c535159fbf4164d884ac.jpg[/img][/center] [color=7bcdc8]Name:[/color] Rosella [color=7bcdc8]Nickname(s):[/color] Rose [color=7bcdc8]Age:[/color] 16 [color=7bcdc8]Parents:[/color] [b]Belle & Prince Adam (The Beast)[/b] After getting married, Belle and Adam decided they wanted to have a kid and thus Rosella was born. [color=7bcdc8]Bio:[/color] Rosella was born into the rich family that was her parents. She is adventures like both of her parent’s. She absolutely loves to read and with the large library they have at their house she has spent most of her childhood in that room. She is an amazing student and loves to learn hoping to get as much out of class as she possibly can. She also love animals and nature with a passion.