[b]Name [/b] Alex Crossman [b]Age[/b] 19 [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Ethnicity[/b] Caucasian [b]Occupation[/b] Paper boy [b]Skills[/b] Alex has a fine set of skills which best suits him on his journey of survival, most notably his ability to be fast-paced when it comes to almost anything. At only the age of just 17, Alex had been awarded two silver medals for beating several running charity marathons which were held by his town mayor, Mayor Ridgewood. His range of being able to Sprint for long distance, as well as cycling had helped benefit his techniques of getting every paper to his neighbourhoods door under a short space of time. He's the kind of guy that is quick, especially when it comes to thinking. [b]Flaws[/b] Alex has a variety of different flaws too, sometimes his emotions gets in the way when it comes to handling certain moral situations of where it becomes overwhelming for him. He can also be very picky about who he decides to ally with as he fears every choice he makes with someone he assumes can lead to sufficient consequences- This indicates that Alex has some issues with trusting people, especially strangers. [b]Firearm experience[/b] Alex had received a firearm license at the age of 18 and was trained by his father who was a police officer. His firearm proficiency rating is a 3. [b]Weapons[/b] Baseball bat Meat cleaver [b]Equipment[/b] Cans of soda- Still fresh and picked up from the local supermarket, everyone loves soda. A newspaper- Containing stories of fallen victims of the outbreak, along with random telecom advertisements scattered on each page,etc. Balaclava- The classic ski mask, used to cover the face as protection from being mauled at as well as preventing any unwanted fluids e.g. Blood or saliva from any infected individual to contaminate (Aside from eyes). [b]Appearance[/b] Alex has short light brown hair that is normally styled flat, which suits his small facial features as Alex is very baby faced for his age. He usually wears a dark vibrant green hoodie which takes on the slightly disheveled-look as it's been worn and torn away at some areas such as the shoulders and hip area, to compensate for that he wears a white undershirt.He also wears blue jeans and desert brown hiking boots. The hiking boots come in handy for trekking up far hillsides and mountains. [b]Personality[/b] Alex was always known to be a compassionate person by his fellow peers whom he had raced with in town. By heart he had always been strong-willed and motivated; as well as always possessing such a kind and comforting nature towards other people due to being brought up by a selfless family. Though when the outbreak began, Alex was frightened at first when witnessing the death of his parents by the hand of a infected. But later regained his strength. Alex now endeavours in searching for survivors whom he can try to trust, even a place of where he can be in safe hands. He believes all of this could just blow over if a cure can be found. [b]Biography[/b] As a child, Alex had a deep interest for sports which later grew as a talent in which he had pursued his interest down the route by participating in clubs at school such as the running club and the passion also grew as well as becoming more flexible by the more he practiced and focused his energy on sprinting. Crossman at 17, had participated in various athletic events that involved running or cycling the most well-known event he had entered in his town was Mayor Ridgewoods Charity marathon event of where he had earned two silver medals, later on earned a gold medal in one cycling rally. Crossman whom still lived with his family had worked extensively hard as a paper boy for two years in preparing to save up his funds for university to study mathematics, as it was his life long dream to become an mechanical engineer. But many of the colleges which he initially signed up for had rejected his application forms, as they ceased to show interest in letting him in. All except of one college who did allow him in, which was ironically the same day as the outbreak. Unaware of the outbreak after he came home with the exciting news that a college finally accepted him, he witnessed his family die by the hands of an infected who mauled them to death in the kitchen. As the drooling infected tried to attack Alex, it resulted in Alex taking a Meat cleaver from the drawer and slashing the infected to death with it. Alex witnessed his parents turn before his eyes and tried to kill him, Alex had no other option and was forced to kill his loved ones. And in the end...he had. Witnessing the apocalypse hands on had been very traumatizing for Alex as he had to see people die before his eyes, which he did not like. Earlier on, after coming to terms with himself being one of the very few people alive on earth, he later had regained mental strength and became used to killing, but only the undead. Alex travelled alone at first through the outskirts of town, he had single-handedly narrowly escaped from a horde of infected and had met a a small group of survivors that were seeking a haven, they teamed up together in searching for their shelter. Eventually the group had been killed, and all that remained was Alex. He made his way through the railway system, through the tunnels and walked several miles to of which he found Haven.