[@Oblivion666][@AbigailTenshi] [Center][h3][b][color=92278f]Shinzo Harimaya[/color][/b][/h3][/center] Shinzo looked at the two women as they entered the room after Juki had left. He listened to Aya go on about a pole and then Nairin but in with her questions "[color=92278f]A pole is the least of my concerns and I just took out half the barracks what the hell did you think happened? Anyway you two should be training or training our Squad members...it seems they need it...now if you will excuse me I have to go find Shizuka...[/color]" Shinzo then walked past the two before using shunpo to disappear from sight swiftly. In truth he just needed to be alone with his thoughts for awhile...it seemed things were taking a very different course now