-Full Name: Azurael Winchester -Age: 22 -Gender: Female -Rebirth: Yes -Rank / Assignment: Sargent (Comms/Sigs operator) -Call-sign: Nexus -Personality: Azurael, while generally quite pleasant, has somewhat of a bipolar temper - she can easily change from being calm and placid one moment to instensly angry the next. While she tries to work on her temper she doesn't always succeed and this has gotten her into trouble. She generally prefers the company of her Comms/Sigs equipment to humans as her equipment is a lot more predictable. She is highly intelligent but goes out of her way to hide this as she detests being in the spotlight.While she says she hates conflict and stressful enviroments - this is wrong, she thrives and some would says likes such situations. Her sense of humor is very dry and quite lacking. While she generally won't argue with orders she disagrees with, the disgruntlement will be clearly written across her face. Azurael has no skill whatsoever at hiding her emotions - her face is an open book so to say. -History: Azurael had always dreamed of a career alowing her to travel and to protect others. Coming from a poor family where options where few and far between if not impossible - the RAS was the best, and more importantly, free option. She has no issues whatsoever making the RAS a permenant thing. Her career is her life and she won't let anything, including romance, get in the way. As a child her parents worked hard and very long hours to send Azurael to school. Azurael never saw them often but didn't resent them for this - she in fact was driven to succeed because of them, and she surpassed expectations - at least academically. Her social life suffered however, and she's never really had any friends. -Skills: Azurael is great at chess, while she won't win against any grand masters she has great skill. She has won a few competitions but refuses to admit it. She is excellent with IT and communications. She has an eidetic memory and picks up information quite easily, and as a consequence is quite intelligent. Her marksmanship with rifles is exemplary. She is also quite skilled in Taekwondo. She is moderately skilled in CQC. -Weakness: While she does lack socialising skills, she isn't afraid to socialise, she will generally prefer not to. She has a horrific temper when angered and has on more than one occasion been demoted because of this. She has next to no teamwork skills. Her athletic abilities are lacking to the point she barely managed to pass (with difficulty) the entrance fitness exams. She work herself to complete exhaustion without even knowing it - so great is her work focus. -Romantic Relationship: None. Single. -Other: She hasn't used Re-birth yet, she is signed up. -Appearance: 5ft 7in tall. Azurael hides her curves with her uniform - she is only moderately curvey in any case. Her hair is long and she wears it in a tight plait which reaches down to the small of her back. She won't admit it and has never shown any-one but has tattoos which have very special meanings to her - a barbed wire tattoo running from the bottom of her neck down the spine to her tail bone, on her left shoulder is yggdrasil, and on her right shoulder is flaming skull holding a rose in it's teeth. -Picture: [img]http://jarviscity.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/X-Men-Days-Of-Future-Past-Mystique-Army.jpg[/img]