[b][center]Heart Of Gold[/center][/b] Welcome to the Heart Of Gold, I am your Captain. My crew is ready, willing and able to take care of all your transport needs, be they legal or not so much, for the right price. The crew is a little rough around the edges and some of them are new but don’t you worry your pretty floral bonnet, they’re shiny. Gear up because we are about to take off on our next mission. Whether that be to transport little bobble headed dolls or something much more valuable, we aim to please. Oh who am I kidding? We aim to misbehave. So let’s go be Big damn Heroes. [i]If you hadn’t caught on by now, you may want to hold on to your tight pants. This is a firefly inspired RP. Now having said that, it isn’t exactly the ‘Verse but hey, what things are? Crew has been selected over all but hey, never know we could need you. Feel free to drop a line and let us know if you need transport or a job done or want to toss your hat into the ring. You know, for the right price all things can be worked out.[/i] [b]Rp Rules:[/b] 1. General Forum Rules Apply 2. Gm is God (or Goddess in this case.) 3. Isn’t on your approved character sheet, doesn’t exist – so plan well. History can be expanded on through out the RP and changes to Cs can be made, just run it by me first. 4. Characters may possess up to 2 special items - hacker material, medical, etc. 5. Stay in character in IC. 6. Have a problem; bring it to the GM’s attention. 7. If you are going to be inactive, let the GM know. 8. This is High Casual RP – Minimal of two well-developed paragraphs per post. 9. No godmodding, bunnying or metagamming will be allowed. To do so will incur the wrath of the GM Goddess and I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those that would attempt such things. 10. Canon Rp – You’ve been warned. 11. Adult language will be present – once again you’ve been warned. 12. Posts that are awesome or crack me up will be rewarded. 13. Romance can happen – let it be natural, do not force it just to have a romance. Fade to black when needed. No Smut in IC. 14. Characters can be old or new, doesn't matter 15. And once again, Gm is Goddess. 16. Have fun. 17. Rules are subject to change at any moment if needed. [b]CS[/b] [code] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Position:[/b] [b]Appearance/Clothing: [/b]Image can be provided [b]Skills:[/b] [b]Crimes Against The Alliance:[/b] [b]Additional Information:[/b] [b]Weapons:[/b] [b]Possessions:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]History:[/b] [/code] Need help with skill listing check here: [url=https://serenity-rpg.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/skill-list]Skill List[/url] Positions: Captain - Akechi Lee Ko Second in Command - To Be Determined In Rp Pilot - April Cooper Mechanic - The Who Makes Things Go Boom - Hannah McClave Ships Medical - Security - Benson Higgins Weapons - Preacher - Iean McKennenith Companion - Jack Of All - Rune Weiβ-Schwarz