Sooo I got a little wordy. I'm sorry about that lol [hider=Ricky][u][b]Richard Conrad Axford[/b][/u] [b][i]Appearance[/i][/b] Tall at 6'2", well muscled, (or at least was so before. Lack of food kinda melts muscle down, but there's still a lot there), broad shouldered, and generally built like a working man. Slightly shaggy red hair and beard, fair skinned, freckled, and tattooed. Bright green eyes set in a charmingly handsome face, even with the obvious healed though several times broken nose. [B][i]Age[/i][/b] Twenty-six [b][i]Gender[/i][/b] Male [B][i]Equipment[/i][/b] Parka, hunting knife, rifle with a limited number of bullets left, and a small, dwindling supply of deer jerry and spam. [B][i]Skills [/i][/b] Butchery,good shot with any kind of gun (decent with a bow, still learning), manual labor (you need things moved? Built? Destroyed? He's your guy), and mechanical (not that a lot of things work in this cold anyways). [B][i]Personality[/i][/b] Cocky, verging on self centered when it comes to anything emotional. Physically though, he'd go out of his way to make sure that someone else was safe. Boisterous, loud, and seemingly always itching for something to do because he wants to fight, but now's not really the time for all that. He occasionally seems to space out, or seem like he's talking to himself. He is, or at least to the voice in his head. He's stable, if not all there sometimes. [B][i]Background[/i][/b] [i][u]Pre Ice Age[/u][/i] Rough childhood living with an alcoholic and abusive father. Not that his mother was a saint either. He was beaten almost daily for most of his youth under fifteen or so. Which is when he finally ran away from home with one of his older brother's. The pair of them lived on the street and the charity of others for a long time. At sixteen, on a visit home to see on of his younger sisters, he got in a brawl with his father that ended with the old man dead and about two months later, Ricky in a juvenile detention center until he was eighteen. After getting out he got in with a bad crowed that his brother had been running with while Ricky had been detained. The pair of them became something of enforcers for a gang, beating people up for a living. Or a mostly living. Ricky worked part time still for a friend at his autoshop, and part time at a butchers as well. [i][u]Post Ice Age[/u][/i] When things stated getting cold, Ricky knew that things were going to get bad. Even if it got warm again when the scientists said it would, there would be bad times in between. So he and his brother prepared as best they could for themselves and what family that was interested. But even the best laid plans of mice and men go astray and the brothers were separated. Ricky's wandered for a while, teaming up with those he's run into and just surviving as best he can.[/hider]