Saya was frowning. It was the average expression that seemed to always grace her visage so it was difficult to tell when the Head Director was either thinking about something or if she was simply going about her day. At the moment though, it turned to be the former. She had sensed them long before her staff had informed her of the intruders. And quite frankly, she was wondering what took her attackers so long this time. As with any powerful corporation, the Yakuza couldn’t be completely purged from this world. The Red-Eyed Ghost could only keep killing them off so much before they began to become a nuisance. Even now they still thought they could drag both her and Rei back to whatever base of operations they had now and deliver unto them a swift and bloody execution. They were little more than insolent swine in Saya’s opinion. A small group of them were discovered, each a trained ninja of sorts. Saya had to sigh inwardly at the plain tacky approach her former employers were using these days. Really? Ninjas? Even so, they needed to be dealt with; she didn’t want her past demons to interfere with the prospect and growth of the Academy and its students. Her staff gathered around, they merely treated the intrusion as just another protocol. Besides, Saya had already sent someone to dispatch the school of these fools. That was the true purpose of Izumi’s patrol after all. In fact, the group of enemy assassins would be stumbling upon her position at any moment now, unbeknownst of the dark fate that awaited them. That taken care of for now, the Head Director flipped on the PA switch and spoke into the intercom. In the infirmary, Donna grinned widely as Minako agreed to take the morphine shot. Good, because the sharp-toothed girl would have taken as much glee as she needed to rip the bullet out messily. Though there was some disappointment there that had to be ignored for now. Running back and forth in a flash, she produced a small needle and injected the substance in Minako’s arm after first cleaning up the indicated vein. [color=f7941d]“Now this will hurt just a tiny bit Shrimp-chan. Even with the morphine so be a good girl for me and don’t scream too loudly~”[/color] Snickering to herself, Donna gently dug her fingers into the wound and plopped the bullet out of Minako’s arm. One had to wonder if she was even qualified to do this kind of stuff to other students. But she had done the procedure without killing her so she couldn’t have been all that bad. Right? Back in the dorm room hallways, Rei shook her head to deny both Sayaka’s motion of her actually caring and the idea of her being cute. Coming from the perverted mummy, she didn’t know if that was a compliment or something to put a bullet in her head for. [color=8493ca]“Whatever. Just don’t grope me in the middle of the night,”[/color] she muttered before following Addie outside and towards the cafeteria. Quite honestly, her stomach was grumbling and she was ready to eat whatever the Academy had prepared for them. So it was to be expected then that Rei only sighed in annoyance at the trail of garbage along with Addie’s expression. Not wanting to waste their only lunch time for the day, Rei gripped onto Addie’s collar and gently began to drag her away from the trash and in the direction of the cafeteria. A whole ten minutes were spared that way and the trio were able to find half-decent spots in what turned out to be a massive cafeteria. Taking out a gun, Rei shot two bullet holes into their decided table to mark it as theirs before she joined the other two at the lunch line. It was then when Saya’s message bleeped to life on the intercom system. [hr] [color=9e0b0f][h3][u][center][b]"Attention all students of Riddle Academy. There will be a new student joining us for the school year at this time. Please greet Second Year Charlie Walker with a warm welcome. Location of housing has yet to be decided.”[/b][/center][/u][/h3][/color] [hr]