[quote=@KatherinWinter] [@Rick Sanchez] 1. It is set in modern age. Anything available now would be available to them. [@ImagineVillains] approved [/quote] Alright, but more specifically, do the characters from the musical exist in this roleplay, or are we in a different universe? Edit: aaaaa I forgot okay-- this is [url=http://spiritedaway.wikia.com/wiki/Chihiro_Ogino_(Sen)]Chihiro[/url] (human) and this is [url=http://spiritedaway.wikia.com/wiki/Haku_(Nigihayami_Kohaku_Nushi)]Haku[/url] (river spirit dragon thing) and they're from Spirited Away. I really recommend seeing the movie if you haven't, it's really beautiful and sweet.