[center][h3][color=9ACD32]Xyster – Frenzy Plant Camp[/color][/h3] [@CirusArvennicus][/center] The arrival of Magni elicited a toothy grin from Xyster. She chucked her head over to him, lobbing it like a basketball. This peculiar behavior, though somewhat macabre, wasn't too unusual for her. Aside from acting as a trust fall, to test a person's reaction time and willingness to keep her noggin from bumping the ground, it also allowed her to speak face-to-face, and commonly it made people uncomfortable. Even with friends, teasing was something Xyster loved dearly. [color=9ACD32]”Hi, Magni! It's not so much you missing something, as this ship missing you! If woulda busted up Crocus pretty well if not for Salvoy here. Talk about crashing a party!”[/color] The Dullahan's body reached out a hand, signaling for Magni to throw the head back. While this was occurring, Salvoy glanced worriedly at the Cloaked Woman. [color=4682b4][b]“What?[/b][/color] Nash jumped in at this point. [color=4682b4]”Er, you got us wrong, ma'am. It was the headless miss that said it, and she said 'present' anyhow. Either way, none of us want to keep the thing. We just wanted to find a safe place to put it. I'm guessing you're the owner of the ship? If you like, we could call the authorities to look it over and see what might have gone wrong with it.”[/color] [center][h3][color=D8BFD8]Nero the Genie – Dragon Fang Hotel[/color][/h3] [@Caits][@Invisible Man][@liferusher][/center] As curious as he was to why the Time Lord sighed so much, and wondering if the man knew how melodramatic it made him seem, Nero wasted no time getting some food for himself and his companion. After making sure to soak the pancakes in syrup, the genie eagerly grabbed some buns for himself before returning to the table. The self-proclaimed Time Lord, having only gotten a single plate, had arrived first. Seeing Eve fascinated with the strange man's parlour trick, Nero began the search for something clever to say, but happened to witness Ayame first. He broke out into a light-hearted laugh. [color=D8BFD8]”Catching flies, Aya?”[/color] he pointed to her slightly-agape mouth as he pushed her stack of pancakes over. [color=D8BFD8]”I know you're hungry, and while bugs [i]are[/i] a great source of protein, these probably taste a lot better, heheheh!”[/color] However delightful the distraction, however, it had not totally wiped his focus away from Eve. An idea, built on a foundation of resentment itself formed of concern for the necromancer, came into his head. With little to no interest in the art of tact, Nero decided that now would be a perfectly fine time to do it. He masticated a mouthful of bun, swallowed, and leaned on his elbow, pointing a coffee spoon at the Time Lord. [color=D8BFD8]”Hey buddy, I had a question for you. Been wondering ever since yesterday. You've got Eve's best interest in mind, right? What am I asking, of course you would. Why else would you interfere when Dragon Fang was on the verge of sending her to a place filled with bright lights and men in white coats?”[/color] He knew that by talking in a confusing fashion, Ayame and hopefully Eve wouldn't quite be able to follow him. [color=D8BFD8]”Anyway, you've probably been asking yourself the same thing about moi. You look at me, and like all the rest, you see nothing more than a delinquent and monster. Now, I don't deny that, but even a dark mage has hidden depths. I've been looking out for Eve because since I've got a screw or two loose as well, I understand her conditions better than a so-called 'normal' person ever would.”[/color] The Genie was talking quite quickly now. [color=D8BFD8]”So the way I see it, either you're a slight moron or a major monster. You took our friend here, whose soul was brimming with conflict, sadness and an obsessive desire to please everyone, and you told her to leave everyone behind to accompany you on some trip. Imagine: you want to please everyone, but one of those people will only be happy if she disappoints everyone else. Yesterday that conflict almost caused an 'incident'. Eve is a good person with bad powers, and by destabilizing her mind -the 'good person' part- her bad powers almost did something that woulda made the bombing of the old Magic Council look like a kid's firecrackers. If you're a moron, then I can forgive you for not understanding. If you did that on purpose, there are going to be problems.”[/color] The spoon in Nero's hand suddenly turned to water and splashed down on the table. He was smiling, wide and bright, but there was no trace of joviality in it.