[b]Name:[/b] Hannah "Sparrow" McClave [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Position:[/b] She Who Makes Things Go Boom (weapons expert) [hider=Appearance] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/73fac9a2908228ab39d5de93222b4374/tumblr_nhrsx3Y4Jp1rp3vxko1_1280.jpg[/img] {credit to pheberoni on deviantart} Hannah also has a set of birds tattooed on her hips: [hider=Tattoos] [img]http://www.desitattoos.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Hip-Tattoos-83.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=Clothing] [img]http://i58.tinypic.com/12543nq.png[/img][/hider] [b]Skills:[/b] Combat Engineering (Fortifications, Mines, Sensor Surv, Camo), Animals (Riding, Vet), Athletics (circus skills), Carouse, Deception, Drive (2 and 4 wheel, hover), [i]Explosives[/i] (she likey), Forgery, Gambler, Liaison, Remote Operations, Trade (Local), Weapon Engineering (Melee, Energy, Ballistic, Heavy, Drones) [b]Crimes Against The Alliance:[/b] Smuggling, Property Destruction, Contempt of Court, Vandalism, plus the ones she won't talk about, Manslaughter, First Degree Murder, Second Degree Murder, and Grand Larceny; she's only been convicted for [i]some[/i] of these crimes [b]Additional Information:[/b] Heavy South Carolina Southern accent. Loves small animals and will protect them with her life. Cries at sad and/or animated movies. Has named every single one of her weapons. Ask her about the homicide charges and she won't say a word. [b]Weapons:[/b] Many. Ranges from ballistic knives, to rocket launchers, to bioweapons banned on most planets. Her favorite is a seemingly endless box of tiny, pill-sized grenades that she refers to as her 'fairy dust.' [b]Possessions:[/b] Hannah keeps her weapons in an enormous cube locker with a 10-digit pass, a biometric and retinal scanner, and requires a specific song as a password. She also has the general odds and edds, clothes, [b]Personality:[/b] Hannah might just be the nicest person you'll ever meet. She stands at about five feet tall, she's cute, she has a charming southern drawl, and she's just so damn [i]cheerful[/i] all the time it's hard not to like her, because she certainly likes you. That being said, she also regularly blows craters in small towns and cackles while she does it, so either that's all just an act or there's something scary lurking under all those smiles. [b]History:[/b] Hannah was part of a large family on a backwater planet near the edge of the alliance; between the two tracts of land the different branches of the family owned, she got to experience both horse and cattle farming. Unfortunately, when the revolution rolled around, those two branches split right down the middle between the browncoats and the loyalists. It was a long, bloody feud that ended in the death of most of Hannah's immediate family—those records, at least, are public knowledge, but what happened to those that survived is her secret. It ended with a bang, about two weeks before the end of the Unification War and the arrival of Alliance soldiers, when half of the town was razed in a massive explosion. A week later, Hannah was discovered missing at age 10, and she's been with the Heart of Gold since she was 16. (Details will be revealed via IC.)