In the imperial capital of the Irodien Empire was a gloomy day. Overlooking the rain soaked city was the imposing imperial palace. Inside the the place Emperor Axium was busy with matters of state. Even with the majority of fighting was over there were still bands of rebels in the south are causing trouble. The 35 year long civil war decimated the imperial economy and damaged the infrastructure of the empire. He had summon the council to plan the rebuild the empire and restore its glory. Arriving at the grand meeting hall the council was waiting for him. "Evening my trusted advisers, 35 years ago that traitor governor tried to take my families throne. It took 35 year of heavy fighting to kill that traitorous swine. Now a difficult task lay before us to rebuild our empire." Once he finished his speech the minster of foreign affairs stood up "My lord the Drakun Republic wishes to establish trade with us we can use it as an opportunity to help revive our stagnant economy." the emperor nodded in agreement "Begin negotiation open trade routs as soon as possible." After that the meeting continue with talks about economic planing, military downsizing, and rebuilding the infrastructure of the empire. Once the meeting for that day had concluded he retired back to his chamber for the next day.