Sir Chester sat awkwardly on the rough floor of his tent as he tried to find a suitable surface to write his daily report on. The single candle light alone was barely enough for him to see what he was doing, but at least it gave his modest tent a warm comfortable feeling. He realised he had become too used to the great war tents over the years; elegant ones filled tables, chairs, beds and luscious silks. This small company lacked the time and luggage space to accommodate such luxuries however, so Chester was forced to use a more standard tent. [b]”At least it’s something”[/b] he grumbled to himself in a futile attempt to make light of the situation. Eventually his searching led his gaze to the items which Sarah, the Dawnish healer, had left in his tent a short while ago. He was tempted to rummage through her belongings to acquire more information on the otherwise reserved lady, but decided against it. It was unlikely that she would leave anything of note alone in his tent, not unless she purposely wanted him to read something. Instead his thoughts begun to ponder her whereabouts, and who she was with. Sarah had said that she was going for a swim and would ask some of the other women, but in reality she could be doing anything. After letting a variety of situations playing out in his head, Chester eventually resorted to going out to find her. He was unlikely to keep any element of stealth in his current armour however, so he quickly stripped down and changed into some cloth garb and leather boots which he kept in his pack. Finally he wrapped his large snowy cloak around himself – it was a surprisingly light piece of clothing made of ice wolf pelt, and made good camouflage once snow began to fall. [b]”Evening Sir.”[/b] greeted one of Walter’s men as Chester exited his tent. [b]”Good evening.”[/b] he replied before giving the man a thoughtful look, [b]”Do me a favour and watch my tent. Don’t let anyone enter, and avoid telling anyone that I’m popping away.”[/b] The man was clearly anxious about the order, or at least quite curious, but he simply nodded in response and took up a seat in a nearby log. Chester did not know the man well, but he knew he had once been under his command and had been loyal to the kingdom for many years (like all of Walter’s men), and so he could be trusted. Without speaking or seeing anyone else, Chester then snuck out past the night watch and began circling the camp until he found footsteps trailing off to the south. Deducing them to be Sarah and companies (judging by the lack of any other footsteps and their smaller size), he began to follow them. Although he was adept at stealth, he still made a mental note to punish the night’s watch for failing to spot him. He wandered along cautiously, sticking to the trees and shrubs rather than exposing himself, and kept his ears and eyes sharp for signs of life. The odd owl and snow cricket making his hair stick up on end every now and then. Eventually he found himself staring at a small body of water, with three of the agents bathing together. He crept closer until he could make out some of their words, until finally stopping against a tree where he laid with his cloak covering and masking his body.