At the camping shop in the department store Olivia had managed to find an electric lamp and plenty of batteries that were still good. She put some in now and used the lantern to look around the ship's cabin. The thick layer of dust denoted that the boat had been abandoned for a long time. There was a mustiness in the air making it hard to breath, but the window leading out to the bow opened up and so Olivia slid it aside to air out the cabin. There was some cushioned benches she could sleep on. No blankets, though, but that wasn't a problem since she had her own. There were some old towels, however, and these Olivia used to dust off everything she could. She went around the cabin again with a towel wet with water from the river. Once the cabin was clean enough for Olivia to be satisfied, she looked around for other things. There was a small bathroom with a mirror and a working sink and toilet--how long had it been since she had some sort of luxury! She was simply ecstatic about being able to clean herself of using the water from the sink. It was cold, but when she got dressed again she quickly warmed up and felt better than she had in a long time. The sun had set and Olivia was not yet tired. Hungry, but not tired. So after digging through her backpack for the can of pineapple she had found earlier, Olivia took it and the lantern and left the cabin to go sit on the back of the boat. She had considered laying on the roof of the cabin but it was too dangerous to do at night. There was always a chance she'd slip off and into the icy cold water while trying to climb up and down the roof. No, the back of the boat was the safest place for her to sit out and watch the stars. Her bow stayed inside, but she kept her knife and her new fully loaded gun just in case. It was never bad to take precautions. Sitting on the back of her boat and enjoying the sweet pineapple while gazing at the stars, Olivia felt a sense of peace and happiness. From time to time she still mourned for her mother, Mr. Byrd, and all the others lost, but she had long ago learned that you had to still find joy in life, no matter what was happening. And seeing a million stars and a brilliant full moon shining bright and clear in a sky no longer filled with light pollution gave Olivia immense joy. Being on a boat again reminded her of a song that Mr. Bryd had taught her, one from his Naval days. She began to sing: "[i]Stand Navy down the field, sails set to the sky. We'll never change our course, so Army you steer shy-y-y-y. Roll up the score, Navy, Anchors Aweigh. Sail Navy down the field and sink the Army, sink the Army Grey. Get underway, Navy, Decks cleared for the fray, We'll hoist true Navy Blue So Army down your Grey-y-y-y. Full speed ahead, Navy; Army heave to, Furl Black and Grey and Gold and hoist the Navy, hoist the Navy Blue Stand Navy down the field, sails set to the sky. We'll never change our course, so Army you steer shy-y-y-y. Roll up the score, Navy, Anchors Aweigh. Blue of the Seven Seas; Gold of God's great sun Let these our colors be Till all of time be done-n-n-ne, By Severn shore we learn Navy's stern call: Faith, courage, service true With honor over, honor over all.[/I]"