The Time Lord in a sense expected her reaction as he watched her face and read her expressions almost instantly. She was scared, she was hurting and ever so confused that much he could read in that instant by just looking at her. His two beating hearts went out to her, in a sense he didn't know how she truly felt but he could empathize with her. The Professor stood near her bed beside her "I cannot begin to fathom what could possibly be going on in that mind of yours. But in a sense, I can. You feel confused, lost, if you were feeling out of place before this happened. You are feeling it even more so now" with that he pulled out his sonic screwdriver and did his scan of her body taking in the readings that were being linked to him. 'It can't be reversed? … this isn't good news for at all… Poor Luna…' He thought and slowly slipped his 'wand' into his robe pocket once more. "I know this must be extremely hard for you, Luna" the man slowly extended his hand out and placed it upon her shoulder in a gentle manner "As I've said before, you're not alone. I will be here to help you through this tough time. I too know what's like to feel lost, to feel confused and very much alone." his mind drifted back to his memories, that feeling of loneliness creeping back to him as he shook his mind free of his thoughts and brought his deep chocolate brown eyed gaze to Luna as he gave her a faint smile "I shall leave you so you can get some rest as I am more than certain you need it. Plus time to think" he gave her shoulder a gentle pat "Remember if you need me for anything you know where to find me" his voice held a gentler tone, a more compassionate and understanding tone. "Rest well, Miss Lovegood" with that the Doctor turned and headed out, closing the curtain behind him to leave Luna with privacy as she rested and thought a bit to herself. The Time Lord took his time as he ventured down the stairs to the first floor of the castle, looking about as students passed. Everything that had happened so far was beginning to leave a weight in his chest, in his hearts. The Time Lord needed to get away from the school, that would probably be the only way he could get some time to clear his head and think for a bit, dwell in his thoughts per say. Sure being here again in the wizarding world and actually partaking in the adventure was all fine and dandy but for right now he needed to be in his TARDIS to clear his head. Without suspicion the Time Lord entered the forbidden forest, knowing exactly where the TARDIS had crash landed. With a snap of his fingers the door opened and he entered the big blue police box and removed his robes tossing it over his brown trench coat in its usual spot. "Hello there ol' girl" he spoke to his TARDIS and neared brushing his fingers along her control panel of the main frame. Just being in his TARDIS at this moment he was already feeling a bit better, as if his mind was being read the lights in the TARDIS began to dim until the gentle blue glow of the spaceship's main frame was the only light that echoed through it all. "I wish I had answers for all of this. You locked onto .. a trace of Time Lord d.n.a that's what brought us here" he was speaking to the TARDIS as he'd done many times in the past. She was very much alive that much he knew. "I only wish I could figure out who it is. I'm the last one, no one else made it out alive. They couldn't have" his mind was a whirl of chaotic thoughts as images of the past returned to him bringing warm sorrowful tears to the Time Lord's eyes at the memories. "That day I ended it all… I should have died with them.." the Doctor gulped thickly and took in a deepened shaken breath, wiping the tears that broke free from the corner of his eyes. "But no such luck… I now travel this universe alone. Yes sure I met Rose but I have a very strong feeling in the bottom of my hearts that she won't be accompanying me for long. I barely even know her…" he shook his head "But Luna…. she holds such a gentle soul, she's been through so much even more so now than ever. That potion… whatever it was it can't be reversed." He was still wording his thoughts mainly to himself aloud, now. With a heavy sigh the Time Lord reached up and combed his fingers through his extremely unruly yet amazing hair "Perhaps… no … that's just a daft thought." he shook whatever thoughts he had, free from his mind. Closing his eyes the Time Lord allowed his body to relax as he succumbed to a very gentle slumber that had been beckoning him since his classes had ended for the morning. Time had passed and the Doctor was awake getting a clean refresher in both his body and mind, taking up his robes the Doctor slipped them on and headed out of his TARDIS and back to the castle. He resumed with the remainder of his classes until his schedule became free and figured Rose would be too. Then again he didn't know much of the classes other than the students who attended his own but it was worth a shot. After some time of looking he figured the blonde was probably in a classroom somewhere and instead of poking his head around to try to find her, The Doctor figured he'd just head up to his room, yet that wasn't what happened when he heard rapid padding of footsteps which was rare and scarce during class time and as they neared. The Time Lord slowly turned around to find Luna Lovegood heading his way in a small jog. The man couldn't stop himself when a smile graced his handsome features as he watched her near he opened his mouth to greet her yet before the words could come forth he listened to her words which caused those deep brown eyes of his to widen as a rather shocked expression played across his face. Stunned for that moment is what the Doctor was "You saw a metal.. wand?" he slowly reached into his pocket and pulled out his sonic screwdriver, it looked like a normal sonic screwdriver to him but he knew the chameleon circuit was still working so how was it that Luna could actually see it for what it really was? This young woman was getting even more spectacular by the moment in the Doctor's eyes. "You truly are a gifted witch, Miss Lovegood" he gave her a broadened smile, slipping his sonic back into his robes "Come with me" he slowly extended his hand out to her "We'll talk in my office, I'm sure you have questions that have needed answering" was he going to do it? Was he going to explain it all to her? He'd only just met her earlier this morning, but she could see him for who he truly was. At least his aura and his Time Lord technology, she really was a gifted individual, perhaps she was the one? The one destined to be his new companion? In a sense the Doctor hoped so but only time would truly tell. As they walked the Doctor began to speak to Luna about things as they headed through the corridors, in a sense trying to comfort her as she seemed even more timid and uncertain than before. "Things are changing all around us… in every single moment of time that passes" he held onto her hand which at the moment he felt she needed. A hand to hold, a reassurance that things would be okay. At this moment in time, he was there for her and he wanted her to know that. Leading the way into his muggle studies classroom and into the back to his office the Doctor moved to his desk and sat down with a wave of his sonic screwdriver still under the 'magical' influence of the chameleon circuit he pulled up a chair for Luna to have a seat. "You've spoken to me about auras. you've been able to see my aura.. I can tell you right now, Miss Lovegood. No one has ever told me that before. You are the first" he gave her a smile and slowly set his sonic screwdriver. His eyes moving to the device "You've been able to see my aura, see my metal wand as you called it." He took up his sonic and held it out to her "This is called a sonic screwdriver. It's not a wand, it's a device that helps me unlock doors, change codings in technology, in .. science ... things" he cleared his throat for a moment realizing she wouldn't understand much of it "It's not from this time, not from this world in fact. And in a sense neither am I" he pursed his lips together for a moment and thought before reaching into his robes, and into his suit jacket and pulled out his psychic paper. He thought of a phrase 'Hello there Luna. I'm the Doctor, I'm an alien species called a Time Lord' is what the paper would say if she could see it. But if she was as clever as he thought she was, he was more than certain she'd just see it as a blank piece of paper inside a leather casing. -- Professor Smith sat there as he spoke "No problem at all, I always have time to help out my students. So what evening is best for you, Miss Tyler?" his clear blue eyes lifted to Rose as he awaited her answer only to find that her mind had wandered elsewhere for she stood there looking off into 'space' per say. A rather amused expression crossed the hidden Time Lord's face as he watched her return to reality "Welcome back to the present, Miss Tyler" he poked a bit of fun at her as a smile touched his lips. finally hearing her answer the man gave a nod and made a note in the book before blowing a bit of air on it for the ink to dry faster as it did he shut it and placed the quill back in the ink bottle his eyes lifting to Rose once more "All set, I'll be seeing you tomorrow evening after dinner. Until then Miss Tyler, please do be careful." he gave her a wave as he waited her exit his room. Once the man was alone he slowly took up his wand and gave it a wave his classroom door shutting. Setting the wand down he took up his fob watch and slowly but surely the man sat back in his chair his fumbling with the watch as his mind wandered. Sitting back even further he brought his feet up to rest crossed at the ankles in a relaxed position as he closed his eyes and allowed his body to rest up a bit his finger unconsciously running along the beautifully etched designs on the front of the fob watch.. It was his down time, his off time, Lunch was over, sure he had to finish grading his papers but in his opinion that could wait, it wasn't like it had to be done right this instant, no. He could do that later, it was just a bit of his laid back lazed attitude poking through his unknown façade he was living at the current moment. As he rested his eyes closing as his fingertips traced the watch's designs something he'd subconsciously do from time to time without even noticing. As he did this deep in his subconscious mind images began to form. He could see through a fogged haze what looked to be twin suns rising over the horizon. Within moments the images became clearer and clearer as if he were seeing it all in real time. The twin suns rising over the mountains, shining against silver leaves of the trees, its petals sparkling radiantly the reflections of light catching against the crimson grass below. It looked absolutely beautiful as he rested a smile touched the man's lips. 'The shining world of the seven systems' a voice rang, his own voice deep within the crevices of his subconscious. 'The shining world' echoed once more. A warm comfort spreading over him yet in an instant he was pulled from his relaxation as his classroom door opening caused the man to snap from his thoughts, and subconscious images. Students began filing in and taking their seats one by one, sitting there the man lowered his feet from his desk and stood up looking to his class, the last student entering and closing the door before taking his seat. Professor Smith looked to his class, a somewhat distant look in the man's eyes "open your books and review a bit of yesterday's chapter. I shall return shortly" he picked up the book he'd jotted Rose's appointment in and disappeared into his office the door shutting behind him. He'd seen glimpses of the twin suns, the silver leaved trees but this was something in such detail it almost felt real. "The shining world?..." moving to his desk he opened his book and flipped to the back pages and jotted it down. Never before had he heard his own voice echo those words before within his mind. On the page beside the blank one he'd just written in were scribbled words, pictures, a box he'd drawn every single thing that came to him in his dreams he'd write down and sketch across. Stories, fairy tales, there was nothing of the sort here. Sure it was a world of magic but that blue box seemed much more than magical. It held a different structure 'The seven systems' he heard his own voice repeat in his now conscious mind. shaking it from his head he jotted that below his previous entry and slammed the book shut. After several moments of sitting there, simmering in his thoughts he stared down at the fob watch in his hands. Sliding the watch into his robe pocket he arose to his feet and headed out of his office to begin his class. A few students had questioned if he was alright and all the man could do was give a smile and nod "Of course, just a bit of mental preparation for today's lesson is all. Now" he pulled out his wand "shall we begin?" the hour had passed a lot quicker than the Professor had expected but in a sense he was more than glad it did. Making his way out into the hallway and headed down the corridor the man was about to head to the main floor of the castle when a very familiar and quite annoying voice rang in his ears. Slowly turning around he looked to see he was correct upon seeing the pink tailored women heading his way and surprisingly with Rose behind her "Ah.. Dolores, pleasure to see you" he man gave a fake enthused smile, his lack of attention or interest shun through as he listened to her explanation but gave a nod "of course, I'll take care of her. Go on" when the pink woman walked away the man turned his gaze to Rose a rather amused expression upon his features "I'll see you after dinner at my office, Miss Tyler" After his small relaxation session in his office, that image, that scene, the beautiful sense of warmth that had washed over him. That was something the hidden Time Lord wasn't able to push from his mind, he needed that air most definitely. Heading out the double doors of the front of the castle the professor found a place to relax, he leaned up against the building his eyes lifting to the moon as he sat there beneath the stars. Throughout dinner the man stayed outside until he felt it was the right time to head inside. He didn't want to keep Rose standing outside his classroom waiting for him, that would be rude. Making his way back into the castle he headed down the corridor leading to his classroom, Rose coming into view. having heard her protest the man couldn't help but smirk a chuckle leaving his lips as he neared "I'm sure you didn't, Miss Tyler. Half the students she puts into detention are falsely accused and horribly punished for it. She's a bit of a nut job if you want my opinion" he opened his classroom door and allowed her in before following behind her. What struck him though was her final statement "shouldn't have to take notes you say?" he questioned curiously "That it doesn't matter?" his blue eyes moved to her a rather curious look lingering within his eyes "Why Miss Tyler, is that implying something?" the amused expression from their earlier encounters was once again upon his features as he looked to her "Please do share what's going on in that mind of yours" heading into his office he opened the door and gestured for her to follow "Being in your seventh year, final exams upon you. the chance of finishing. I would think that would be really important to a young witch" he moved to his desk and took a seat, bringing his feet up to rest against the desk crossing at the ankles "I really have nothing planned for your detention. So by all means I'll just be keeping you here for an hour. it was an unscheduled detention. No plans were made. How about we just throw all rules out the window and relax, get rid of titles and let loose and just talk shall we?" The Hidden Time Lord lowered his feet down and reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a small chest with sweets "Let's see here.. I've got chocolate frogs, bertie bott's every flavour beans, licorice wands and oh my favorite" he pulled out a red velvet bag and placed it upon the desk gently before tossing the others beside it. Putting the small chest away he reached over to the velvet bag and untied its rope and pulled a rather modern looking bag, opening it he plucked out a few and popped them into his mouth before holding the opened package out to her "Would you like a Jelly Baby?" he questioned with a smile. -- Harry Potter was truly furious with Draco for what he'd done. Not only to him but to now Luna? That git had it coming to him. Harry had fought with himself many times in the past to not lay a finger on Draco Malfoy but that pompous platinum blonde was really asking for it especially after this. Harry wasn't sure how much longer he'd be able to hold back resorting to violence, literal physical violence. He knew Dumbledore would find a way to get Draco expelled but the young wizard was more than certain that the Slytherin's evill git of a father would find a way to bend the system and get his son back in school. To think, Draco honestly had it in him to be not only a conniving jerk, but actually cause bodily harm to another student. Another student granted she was a bit off and weird at times, but she was still a friend to Harry and did no harm to anyone, why did Draco focus his wrath on Luna? It was pointless in Harry's opinion. Poor Luna, Harry thought. He hoped it could be reversed because having ten years of life stolen from you in the blink of an eye was the worst thing ever. As dinner was upon them, Harry walked with Hermione into the Great Hall the entire place was buzzing about what had happened to Luna Lovegood and for the most part, Harry wasn't feeling up to hearing it at all. it was near sickening the wizard as he pushed the food around on his plate with his spoon. He ate a bit here and there but it wasn't all that much to begin with. Just seeing what Luna had to go through, just seeng her confusion, her fear, she worried facial expression. It was all too much for Harry and he wasn't even the one going through it. With a deep dragged in breath, Harry gave a sigh and looked to Hermione having heard her huffed word. From what he could tell they were both feeling similar feelings about the whole thing. Perhaps they needed time away from this? Just then Rose muttered pointless detention, the green eyed boy turned his attention to her before looking to Hermione the two locking eyes and then Hermione's voice speaking to him he gave a nod. "Yes I agree with you, talking with Rose, try to get answers to our now boiling questions. I do hope she tells us at least something. We have to know, even if it’s a small piece of information. I doubt she's a threat, perhaps she's here to help? I just hope she cooperates" he spoke to Hermione in a whisper. As dinner came to an end the small group of Gryffindors returning to their common room to finish up homework that they couldn't earlier. As they sat in the common room suggestions of doing something special for their Ravenclaw friend was buzzing about. Harry tossed in a few suggestions as did the others. The boy who lived had gotten numerous desserts from Hogsmeade in past trips and figured they'd do good in cheering Luna up. at least he hoped so. Once work was done, suggestions for the gift to Luna was planned out and done with, Harry turned his attention to Hermione as he gave her a smile and nodded, agreeing to meet her out in the hallway. In a sense Harry figured why she wanted to meet with him, he'd told her just the other night that he'd think about the forming of the club and in all honesty. Harry did think about it, quite a bit during his sleepless nights and in the end he had decided to do it. It wasn't going to be just for him, it wasn't just for him but it was for everyone who was willing to join in and help. For those who could see the deceitful changes and lies that were going on in the school. Once the two were alone in the hallway he leaned up against the wall and looked toward Hermione, as she spoke to him he could instantly tell she was nervous. But why be nervous? "I understand, Hermione. After the attack on Luna, things have been pushed forward, that wasn't just a simple fifth year potion. Those type of potions takes years of mastery to produce. So how did Draco even learn it? Sure Fred and George did that last year to cheat their ways into the Tri-Wizard tournament but this potion was far more advanced. I hate to say it, Hermione but … Draco is dangerous. A lot more than we ever expected" Harry hushed and listened to her final words, he felt the gentle weight of her hand upon his shoulder. Reaching up he placed his hand over hers and held it gently. "I know I’m not alone. I know I have Ron and the others but … to be honest I wouldn't care if they were by my side or not" he spoke his words truthfully." Having you there with me means so much more, Hermione" he gave her a smile "So yes, I will do it. This isn't for just us. this is for the safety of the entire school. Hogwarts is my home. I will not let this castle fall. As long as I'm stil alive and breathing I will fight." his voice was confident, strong, Harry Potter was a true leader after all.