[h2]The Twice-Betrayer[/h2] Like essentially everyone else leaving the [i]Foecrusher[/i], Kerri opted for the direct method of getting to the ground: step out and let gravity do the rest. She was not, however, the most acrobatic of combatants: her landing was rather more forceful than the rest thus far. Yet the blackguard was as unharmed as anybody else to have taken the direct route. It was almost disappointing that the exterior of the castle was defended by exactly two people. The one on the roof she obviously couldn't deal with, but the girl in front of the door... she was so inherently [i]good[/i] that it made the fallen paladin want to wretch. Here, then, was her opponent. Someone to keep occupied whilst that grunt with the explosives dealt with the door, or some other means of breaking in was found. If they died or ran too quickly, then she could rejoin the assault. Darkness flickered around the ever-shifting blade as Kerri started forwards, picking up speed as she moved closer and the oppressive aura around her brought itself to bear against Saber. Saber and any enemies that might be lurking nearby. [hr] [h2]Misaka Mikoto[/h2] Much in the way of intelligent conversation from the Railgun was absent: aside from yet another child, there was a fairy. Not a robot, or at least one running on electronics, otherwise the schoolgirl would have been able to detect it, but the sheer unlikelihood of a fairy actually existing wasn't a big concern either. It was just so small and [i]cute[/i], and Mikoto was staring intently at Tear (who, it had to be said, did not have what you'd call a cute expression).