[h2]Karn[/h2] [@CirusArvennicus] The blonde didn't move for another good few moments, before he finally managed to respond. [color=lime]"Nyaaaaaa IMMA gooooood. You've been gone through a bunch of rougher stuff from what I hear. IMMA just see mother soon in a few days or sooooooo, it'll be great."[/color] Karn chirped cheerfully as he sat up again, smacking his disclolored cheeks in a attempt to bring his colorless pale skin back to life so he looked somewhat human again. Looking at her, he saw her eyeing Penny in which he waved his hand with a gleeful smile. [color=lime]"If you wanna hang out with Fira, gooooooo. She's awesome and fun!"[/color] Karn grinned a littl as he glanced around then. Pondering where Prince had run off to. It be nice if he could get a lullaby. It was nice hearing the feline sing.