Maya's tan cheeks flushed red when Griffon mentioned that his demon picked him because he liked the way he looked. She looked away quickly, not wanting anyone to notice the girlish reaction. It was hard to avoid the attention of the demon in your own mind, though. [b][color=662d91]"Oh my devil, you [i]like[/i] him, don't you!?"[/color][/b] Nightmares said in a squeaky tease. "Hush!" Maya whispered in a low hiss, trying to drown the girl's voice out. She was so embarrassed that she just wanted to crawl in a hole right there. The embarrassment was short-lived, however, as Wrath took over his host and directed his anger at Secrets and the other demons. Nightmares was quick to follow suit in overpowering her host. [b][color=662d91]"Pipe down, you big meanie!"[/color][/b] she said through the lips of Maya, her voice high and squeaky like that of a child. Nightmares crossed Maya's arms over her chest [b][color=662d91]"Nobody cares about your useless yelling. You're all bark and no bite, as usual."[/color][/b] Nightmares turned her gaze to Secrets now. [b][color=662d91]"He is right about one thing, though. You're always all about spilling the beans, except when it's useful. You got us all here, now talk!"[/color][/b]