Having thought herself the only person at the docks--maybe even the entire city--Olivia damn near jumped out of her skin when she heard the heavy thuds made by feet hitting the dock. At first she thought it was a Walker that hadn't frozen over, but the footsteps were too even and heavy with sureness. Walkers were slow and uneven, often dragging their feet and moving with no real purpose. She quickly scrambled off the railing of the boat to stand on the main deck, not wanting to give whoever it was an easy chance to grab her if that was their intention. Instinctively her hand reached down toward her pistol holstered on her right leg. She didn't draw it quite yet, though. Instead she waited for the person to come into sight to see if they might pose a threat. Olivia had run into people before that had less than pleasant ideas regarding what to do with her. However, she had met nice people too during her travels. For instance, early on after the infection she had met a group in Georgia. She remembered the man called Daryl who had given her some good hunting tips. Rick, the group's leader, had invited her to stay with them. Olivia had kindly turned them down. Rick bad been a nice fellow, but there had been something about him that hadn't been quite right, so she had continued on her own once more. The intruder on her otherwise lovely night turned out to be a man. From what Olivia could see he was young. Older than her, but still young. He stopped just outside her source of light and held his hands up to show that they were empty. But Olivia wasn't stupid enough to think he was completely unarmed. She also realized he had come from the far end of the dock, meaning he was staying on a boat too. Olivia was really glad she hadn't accidentally boarded whatever boat he occupied. That would have probably ended badly. So he had heard her singing? Damn. Perhaps she shouldn't have acted so freely unless she had been one hundred percent sure she was alone, but the damage was already done. He--Shawn he said his name was--was right about the light too. If he was in New York, who knew how many other people there might be? Probably a few, and some likely a terrible might less friendly than this guy currently appeared to be. At the same time it could be a trap to distract her so he could act. But even without the lamp Olivia could easily see in the light of the moon and stars, so she cautiously turned off the light while keeping an eye on her 'neighbor'. Suddenly a thought struck Olivia. How long had it been since she had talked to someone other than herself or even seen another human being? Half a year? A year? The point was, Olivia hadn't met anyone else in a long time. The sound of another human voice was both strange and comforting, and that accent was awfully familiar. For once Olivia decided to forego her initial urge to run away. Instead she called out, "Hold on there, uh... Shawn, right? I didn't mean the singing as an invitation, but... Well if you want you're welcome to stay for a bit. By the way you talk I know you're from the South--just can't tell where. But from one Southerner to another, it'd be a shame if we couldn't keep our reputation for friendly hospitality and good manners alive even in a time like this."